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When creating a manifestation journal the most important aspects to include are your intentions, gratitude, affirmations, prayers answered, reminders of what raises your vibrations, and a plan. Read on for the deets.

Creating a manifestation journal can be a huge life changing experience.

Similar to a vision board, a manifestation journal is a way to ask the Universe for what you desire and be really really specific in that ask.

I love manifestation journals because, unlike a vision board, you can come back and write in this journal on a daily basis. It is like a working piece of art that continues to feed your vision and keeps you focused on your dreams.

What you include in your manifestation journal is the key to creating your life on purpose.

Setting your intentions for manifesting

Intentions yes intentions! I love setting intentions for life because this is how you can truly participate in creating your life on purpose.

Without intentions your life is like a ship without a rudder a swayed in many different directions based off of what comes your way and what others or society are telling you.

With intentions, or a vision for your life, you are helping to steer the ship down a path that you desire.

You may be swayed by the wind, but you are not completely controlled by outside forces because you realize that you can also steer the ship.

Thank God for the ability to steer! Ok!

With a manifestation journal, I like to set 2 types of intentions:

Intentions for my life and intentions for my day. Let’s take a look at both:

Setting Intentions for life

Life intentions are your overall vision for your life. Where do you see yourself in the next 5, 10, or 15 years?

When you are clear with your intentions and desires, they are able to move in your reality quicker.

In your manifestation journal you can choose to do this by scripting what life looks like to you in story form.

This can also be done as an overarching life vision or category by category.

I personally love to set my intentions for each area of my life separately because I am able to get super clear about what my desires are in each area of life.

These areas can include health, finances, spiritual, career, family, love life, contributions, and whatever else you want to include. It’s really whatever matters the most to you.

Setting Intentions for the day

I loooove dreaming about the future and all of the exciting possibilities, but the reality is that life is lived in the moment.

There is really no future without this present moment.

It’s good for us to reflect and really examine how we are living our day to day lives.

When setting your intentions for the day, there are a few things to take into consideration.

  • How do you want to feel
  • What do you want to accomplish
  • What thoughts do you want to think.

Fast forward to the end of your day and see yourself having already lived the day. What does everything look like? How do you feel? What have you done?

By setting our intentions at the beginning of the day, just like our intentions for life, we have direction and know where to focus our energies. We also set ourselves up for an amazing day!

You are telling the Universe what to bring into your reality. What do you want more of that day?

Our brain has an amazing way of filtering out things that we are not focused on and only seeing what we tell it to focus on.

This is called our paradigm or way we see the world. And we can affect our paradigm through our intentions.

In your manifestation journal, a good way to write out your intentions for your day is in story form or even by using a bulleted list.

Here is example of daily intentions:

Intentions as a Story:

This has been such an amazing day. My husband and I communicated with love to one another and I feel more connected to him than ever before. I was also able to accomplish so much in my business! I completed all of my tasks early and got to spend uninterrupted time with my babies at the end of the day. What a blessing.

Even if your day doesn’t pan out exactly like this, you will be more likely to dodge an argument with the hubby and focus on doing your part to think thoughts and do the actions that align with this reality.


And so it is! Yes my friend affirmations are your friend and are definitely something to be included in your manifestation journal.

Our thoughts run on autopilot, and for many of us, a lot of these thoughts tend to lean towards the negative based off of what we see regularly and have been told by society.

So we need to what?? Take Our Control Back. And that is control of our mind.

If you want something for your life, but have had a hard time seeing it come to fruition in your reality, one huge reason is probably because you have a limiting belief around that dream or goal.

For example, let’s say your dream is to become a professional singer, but you believe that all singers have to be under 25 and skinny, with a voice like Beyonce…but you are the total opposite.

Welll… that might be a dream you are going to have a hard time achieving. Not because you aren’t 25 and skinny with a voice like Bey, but because that’s what you have told yourself to believe.

If you have a goal and dream in your heart, tell yourself a belief that supports what you want to do, and then look for truths around you that support that belief.

In that example, you can find tons of women that have succeeded as a music artist that have their own unique tone, are well over 25 and are quite shapely.

And hey, if they can do it, so can you right?! You bet.

So the way to add your affirmations in your manifestation journal is to align them with your goals for your life.

If your goal is to believe in yourself more then speak I Am affirmations over yourself to build your self confidence.

If your goal is to make more money, speak money affirmations that will build up your belief that you can have all the abundance that you desire.

This will add power to your manifestation journal and begin to instill the thoughts that align with the goals and dreams that you are praying for.

Gratitude for manifesting

Ok so I probably should’ve started with this one because it is that important.

Gratitude is everything my friend! For a few reasons:

  1. It shows that you are grateful for what you already have. And don’t you like to give to someone who is grateful?! So does the Universe
  2. Gratitude naturally raises your vibration because you are focused on what is good in your life. When you are focused on good things, you attract more good into your life
  3. And it just feels so good to be grateful!

It’s human nature to want to continue to progress in life and have more, but it adds so much value to our lives when we can slow down and smell the roses and truly be thankful for what we have received.

Add a section in your manifestation journal to journal gratitude daily. Even if it is just one or 2 things you write down to appreciate everyday, but the more the better.

I also enjoy thinking about one thing that brings me joy and just elaborating on it.

Abraham-Hicks calls it the Rampage of Appreciation.

This is a tremendous way to lift your vibe and see all the blessings around you.

Prayers answered and manifested

Keeping a tab of prayers that have been manifested and answered in your life is an extension of gratitude.

It not only increases your appreciation for God, but also increases your faith that your prayers will be answered.

The more I look back on everything that has happened in my life and all of my prayers that were answered, I am overcome with joy.

And it helps me to see that anything that I ask for, I am heard, and it’s only a matter of time until I receive it, if it is for me.

So every time even the smallest manifestation comes true in your life, write it down in your manifestation journal.

Uplifting vibrations for manifesting

What lifts your spirits and keeps you focused on what’s good in life?

For me it’s inspiring videos, amazing music, spending time with my friends and family, morning alone time, a walk outside, and the list goes on.

Keeping a list of things that inspire you and bring you joy will help you refocus on the good in times where you may find yourself stuck in a rut.

We have all been there, but I find that when I can refer to a list of the songs, podcasts, and books that bring me joy, I am able to immediately go to those things and instantly feel more positive and motivated.

These are things that uplift my vibration in the short-run.

You should also keep a list of things that help to lift your vibrations and joy in the long term when done consistently like meditation and taking spiritual quiet time, eating healthy foods, and journaling.

A plan for your dreams and goals

Creating a plan for achieving your goals is an essential part of manifesting.

I find that when I do my part to manifest my goals, the Universe brings those manifestations into my life swiftly!

I’m not saying that this has to be extremely intense work (although sometimes it is required), but when we take a step, God takes an even bigger step.

When I wrote down that I wanted to dance with Beyonce, I set a time to go to a dance class and learn a dance and record it to send to her people.

When I got to the door of the studio and grabbed the handle, I received an email from my agent that I was booked for Beyonce.

There is more to that story, but most of it is me taking small steps and the Universe taking HUGE steps to make my dreams become a reality.

My best advice is be prepared to take massive action towards achieving your goals, and watch how massively the Universe moves to bring you something greater than you could’ve imagined.

How to use your manifestation journal

Ok so now you have created this amazing manifestation journal. What’s next?

The Routine! Yes my friend I am a strong believer of a routine.

Because creating a journal just to sit it on a shelf still might benefit your life, but not nearly as much as when you create a ritual around your manifestation journal.

Creating a routine for manifestation

To make your manifestation journal more effective, use a daily morning routine like the one below:

  • Begin your morning with prayer and meditation. Let go of all things and choose to start anew today
  • Journal your gratitude
  • Look at the goal that you are currently intending to manifest and the affirmation associated with it, close your eyes and speak the affirmation while imagining yourself there. Do this for 5 minutes.
  • Write the affirmation for your goal 10-20 times in your journal
  • Say “This or something better, and so it is!”
  • Go and enjoy your day doing things that uplift you and bring you joy!

Manifestation journal affirmations

Here are 10 affirmations for your manifestation journal:

  1. I believe that everything is working together for my good
  2. All of my desires are on their way to me and will arrive in perfect timing
  3. I am worthy of all that I desire
  4. I appreciate the moment. I appreciate today
  5. I release all fear and negativity and focus only on what’s good
  6. When I take a step, the Universe takes a much bigger one
  7. I believe in the power of vision and my vision is powerful
  8. I am abundant in every area of my life
  9. I am surrounded by people who believe in me
  10. And so it it!

Manifestation journal prompts

5 prompts for your manifestation journal:

  1. What would you do daily if you could live life everyday on your terms? Write what life looks like for you
  2. What aspects of life are the most important to you?
  3. Imagine you are at your funeral, what do you want people to say about you?
  4. Look back over the course of your life, write about a time when your prayers were answered and how you felt.
  5. Write about one thing you are grateful for in detail.

If you want a done for you manifestation journal template, I have created a beautiful 40 page template with everything I’ve discussed in this article and so much more! You can get it here.

Whatever you include in your manifestation journal, commit to making it a part of your everyday journey and don’t forget to appreciate where you are right now!

Happy manifesting!