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Have you ever been in a season of life where you are stuck in a loop of thinking the same thoughts over and over again, or in a place where you have been trying to achieve or feel differently about a thing, but it feels like you just can’t.

Well you’ve come to the right place today my friend.  This all has something to do with a very powerful part of our makeup called the subconscious mind.  This is the part of our mind that holds our habits, beliefs, automation of our body, and the way that we think about much of our world.

Have you ever heard that if you want to change your world, then you must first change what is on the inside?  Well the inside that “they” speak about is the subconscious mind.  When you learn how to change and reprogram the subconscious, you can and will completely change your life.

Why is the subconscious mind so powerful

Subconscious means…” of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings.”

Our conscious mind can only hold so much information.  It’s hard for us to consciously do multiple actions at once without these actions being previously programmed into our subconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind is responsible for everything that our mind and bodies do on autopilot:  our beating heart, breathing, driving, and so much more. 

Have you ever been driving only to get to your destination and realize that you have been zoned out the entire drive?  This is because you have done this activity so many times that it has now become a part of your subconscious mind. 

This is what happens when we repeatedly do an activity, think a thought, or see a thing.  It becomes engrained in our thoughts and therefore, becomes a part of the way we think, view ourselves, and view our world.

This is why it is super important to make sure that we guard what comes into our mind through our senses because while we might be able to filter it out initially, it becomes harder and harder to do so the more we are exposed to the same things over an over again.

We have to be intentional about putting the right thoughts and images into our mind so that we can think and feel positive in our lives on a regular basis. 

After all, our subconscious is responsible for over 90% of our daily thoughts and actions.    If we put the right thoughts in our minds over time, our inner lives, and thus our outer lives will drastically change.

Is it possible to reprogram the subconscious mind

Yes! Is the long and short of it.  And that is amazing news friend! 

Many years ago scientists thought that the mind was set after a certain age and couldn’t be changed, but soon discovered that no matter how old you are, your mind can and will grow if you put in the work.  So reprogramming the subconscious mind is definitely possible in many ways. 

The subconscious can be programmed in both positive and negative ways.  As I mentioned before, your beliefs, thoughts and feelings are formed based on what you let into your mental.

In the world, there are so many things vying for your attention, to program the way you think to create preferences or desires in your mind for different things through commercials, ad placements, influencers, etc. 

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    After seeing certain things over and over again, you begin to believe, prefer, desire, and feel something based off of what you have seen or heard on a regular basis.

    To take control of your mind and life, you have to get into the driver’s seat because if you don’t, by default, something else will.  Decide how you want to think and what you want to believe. 

    Now I will say!…It takes work to reprogram the subconscious mind, but it is work that is sooo worth it and also very doable.  I believe in you! 

    Choose some of the ways below to reprogram your mind.  Decide exactly how you want to think and what you want to believe and go for it! 

    How long does it take to reprogram the subconscious mind

    From my experience, reprogramming the subconscious is not just a one and done sort of thing.  As I mentioned before, consistency is key to reprogramming the subconscious mind.  When you are consistent you will see such an amazing change in the way you think.

    With that said…how much consistency are we talking?

    Welll I know you have heard that it takes 21 days to reprogram or create a habit in your life.  21 days is great and definitely a start to creating a very solid foundation for a new mindset and way of thinking to be formed in your life, but 66 days, is a more realistic answer. 

    This is because the first 22 days sets the foundation for the new neuron wiring and connections in your mind and each set of 22 after is solidifying the new thought patterns that you have created and making the wiring in your brain more permanent.

    Also, the length of time could also depend on what your limiting beliefs are around the new thoughts that you want to create in your life.

    The most important thing to do is to stay consistent and do not give up. You got this!  You can and will think and feel differently if you use some of the ways below on a consistent basis.

    How to reprogram the subconscious mind

    1. Affirmations

    Affirmations when done consistently and spoken with feeling are a very powerful way to reprogram the subconscious mind. 

    This is because our mind is running on autopilot most of the time, thinking the same thoughts day after day.   We have to intervene and give our mind new thoughts to think.  Thoughts that speak life into what we desire and the things that we want to believe. 

    I like to do this by identifying what my limiting belief is about something, and even if it seems so true to me at the moment, I come up with affirmations that speak what I would like to believe. 

    For example, if my limiting belief were “Money is hard to come by” but I would like to believe that money is easy to come by I might write several affirmations like the following “Money is easy to come by” or “I have money flowing to me from may different sources” or state the question “Why am I so blessed to make so much money?”

    2. Guided Meditation

    Meditation is a powerful way to reprogram your subconscious mind because during meditation you enter a state where your conscious mind is more at rest and less likely to think thoughts against the suggestions that are presented to it. 

    This allows affirmations and words spoken to your subconscious to penetrate more deeply and be accepted without opposition by your subconscious mind.

    The reason I love guided meditation is that you enter a deep state of relaxation and you then have someone (the guider) speaking life giving thoughts into your mind. 

    3. Gratitude

    Gratitude is an amazing way to reprogram your mind for positivity and to look for the good in your world. 

    We are often trained to focus on the negative, or we get used to something and by default begin to see the flaws in it, whether it be a person, a job, a home. 

    In seeing the negative in them we are no longer grateful for something or someone that used to bring us so much joy.

    Gratitude helps us to train our brains to see the good in life on a regular basis, and to actually look for the good throughout our day.

    Check out this weekly gratitude journal for help on focusing on the good and keeping gratitude first in your life.

    4. Put up your vision

    Creating a vision is so powerful and has been so effective throughout my life. 

    But the key to creating a vision for your life is actually putting it up for you to see on a regular basis.  I like to create a vision for everything including where you want to be in life, how you want to feel, what you want to believe about the world and about yourself. 

    This can consist of pictures and affirmations. The more you see the vision that you have created for yourself, the more you will begin to believe that it is possible. 

    If you want to feel differently and think different thoughts about yourself, I love putting up affirmations for self love or I am statements to believe empowering thoughts about myself. 

    Even if you aren’t speaking them on a daily basis, just the simple fact of seeing the words and pictures on a daily basis will train you to believe them. 

    5. Take Action

    Now we can do all the planning in the world and telling ourselves that things are different, but getting up and moving to show yourself that things are different is a huge step in the right direction when reprogramming the subconscious mind.

    If you want to be a business owner, you can read affirmations daily, but you also want to move in the direction of your dreams.

    All this really requires is doing one thing towards your goal on a daily basis. 

    All of these elements work together to reprogram your mind.  Do these on a consistent basis, have faith that things can and will be different, and you will wake up one day and find that you are a completely different person and you feel much better than you did months before.