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Self love and confidence affirmations when done on a consistent basis are extremely powerful in building your self worth and giving you the confidence you need to completely change the way you view yourself and start accomplishing your dreams and desires.

As women it is easy to get caught up in the way that society views us and build our self worth around what society says is valuable and beautiful.

I mean there is instagram that’s telling us what’s beautiful and successful, tik-tok telling us what’s beautiful, tv, and the list goes on and on and on.

But the truth is, despite what is trending, or what others have to say, you are amazing just. as. you. are.

You don’t have to have the most popular outfit, a ton of followers, pouty lips, or anything on the outside to be beautiful and worthy of love. Those things are passing, and what’s popular today will be obsolete tomorrow.

I’m here to tell you that you are bomb!

But in order to realize this, you must know this on the inside first. Don’t rely on others or society to build you up, but build yourself up by speaking daily self love and confidence affirmations over yourself on a regular basis and you will begin to realize your amazingness!

Do self love affirmations work

Yes they absolutely work when done on a consistent basis and with intention. When doing any affirmations it’s key to commit to speaking them for an extended period of time to see real results of them working in your life.

Another way to make affirmations work for you is to also begin to look for evidence in your life that the affirmations are actually true.

So let’s say for example you say an affirmation like “I am beautiful on the inside and outside”. Think of why that is true for you.

On the outside, think about what you like most about yourself, the tiniest little thing. It can even be your pinky toe. Something that you like about yourself.

Then you can also begin to think of something that makes you beautiful on the inside as well.

How have you been kind to someone, or what’s a pleasant thought that you have had lately. This shows that you have beauty on the inside as well.

Write these things down in a journal and remember them as you speak your self love and confidence affirmations.

How long do affirmations take to work

Affirmations like any other habit take time to really become a part of you and the way you think. This is because our brains are building connections and neurons as we speak them consistently, and thus forming the habit of thinking those thoughts.

As most of us have heard, it takes about 21 days to create any new habit in our lives, and the same applies for affirmations.

Speaking affirmations for at least 21 days in a row will help the self love and confidence thoughts to begin to fire together and wire together to create habitual thoughts in your mind.

Therefore, you will begin to think like this on purpose instead of having to intentionally speak these affirmations over and over again.

Think on purpose until it becomes a habit.

We may have to put in the effort up front to think and feel a certain way but it is totally worth it when you think about the fact that affirmations change the way you think, which can ultimately have a transforming effect on your life for many years to come!

How many affirmations should I say a day

I believe that it’s best to speak about 5 or less short and very relevant affirmations a day because you will eventually begin to memorize them, which will allow them to begin running on autopilot as you go throughout your day.

Having too many affirmations can convolute your brain and keep you from truly focusing on what you want to change within.

Focus, focus, focus on one maybe 2 things you want to change at a time and really commit to speaking those affirmations that deal exactly with that.

Although I have provided quite a few affirmations, it’s best to pick 5 from this list that apply the most to you right now and speak them on a daily basis.

What is the best time for affirmations

I’ve discovered that the best time to do affirmations is in the morning right when you wake up.

When we wake up our minds have a tendency to get pulled towards the negative or in every direction if we aren’t intentional about our thoughts.

Therefore, before even checking email, calling the homie, or watching the news, just go ahead and pick up those affirmations and begin reading them with vigor and excitement to set your day on an amazing trajectory filled with thoughts of confidence and self-love.

I find it empowering to start my day this way because it affects every other part of my day.

How you begin your day is everything

When my day begins in a negative space, it becomes really difficult to pull myself up from that place and things start to spiral. Not that you can’t change a negative day into a better one because you absolutely can, but it is just so much better to begin your day in a beautiful place!

In addition to speaking your affirmations during the day, it makes them even more powerful when you commit to speaking your affirmations 3 times a day. You will see your mind and thoughts change drastically and powerfully.

Use these powerful self love and confidence affirmations to build your self esteem and self worth!

55 Powerful Self Love and Confidence Affirmations to Build Your Self Worth

  1. I am powerful
  2. I am a success in everything I do
  3. I am beautiful on the inside and out
  4. I was created for greatness
  5. I am beautifully and wonderfully made
  6. I am enough just as I am
  7. I deeply love myself
  8. I have so much amazingness to offer this world
  9. I am a boss
  10. I have been blessed with amazing natural gifts within
  11. I am whole in every way
  12. I can and will do what I set my mind to
  13. I am capable of achieving extraordinary goals
  14. I am strong
  15. I am limitless
  16. My power lies within and I have an unlimited supply
  17. I deserve the best
  18. I am worthy of everything good
  19. I choose me
  20. I fully accept myself
  21. I love the woman that I am
  22. Thank you for who I am created to be
  23. I am smart, actually Brilliant
  24. I love my own company
  25. My body is beautiful
  26. My mind is beautiful
  27. My spirit is beautiful
  28. I feed my mind life giving thoughts daily
  29. I’m getting better in every way, every day
  30. I am a wonderful person
  31. I am lovable
  32. I accept my flaws
  33. I respect myself
  34. My growth is beautiful
  35. I am guided by my intuition
  36. I am loved
  37. I easily love others
  38. I am unstoppable
  39. I am unique
  40. I am kind
  41. My heart is open to giving and receiving love
  42. I deserve happiness
  43. Everything I need is already within me
  44. I don’t need the approval of others, I approve of myself
  45. I am capable of amazing accomplishments
  46. I will achieve greatness in this life
  47. I am fearless
  48. I let go of my past and move into a bright future
  49. I am surrounded by positive people who love and uplift me
  50. I am valuable
  51. I am sexy
  52. I am important
  53. I am special
  54. I release anything that is not life-giving
  55. My faith is strong and I believe the best possibilities for my life

Use these affirmations to speak life into yourself on a daily basis. Believe that you are amazing and can do, be, and have anything that you desire and you absolutely will!