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Feeling and being loved is what we all as humans need and crave.  It’s one of the most essential needs outside of food and water.  We were created for connection to others and connection within spiritually.  

When this is lacking, this can have a tendency to cause you to feel “some kind of way” and not even realize why you are feeling down.  

However, as much as we need love, what we have to realize is that this love and feeling of disconnection can be fulfilled right within, and then it will matter so much less who we are receiving it from without.  

Our tendency  as humans is to search for this love outside of ourselves.  We believe that we will be fulfilled by receiving love from others, when the reality is, the more we love ourselves and replenish ourselves by going within and connecting to our Spirit and God, the more love we will feel.  The more whole we will feel.  The more love we will be able to give.  

And then once we feel loved and whole on the inside, that is when we will attract the people that  truly know what it means to love you.

Why Use Affirmations

The reason that I believe in affirmations so strongly is because they help to change the stories that you are telling yourself on the inside.  

We all have voices whispering thoughts that are contradictory to who we are based on things that we have heard or been told, our past experiences, and the beliefs of those around us.  

You might feel like you are unlovable because you weren’t loved by your parent the way you felt that you should be, or because your boyfriend broke up with you and then married their next girlfriend.    Or you might feel that because you get angry, don’t stand up for yourself, or have any other human flaw that we all possess, that you are unlovable.

But regardless of what the circumstances were, and regardless of what flaws you have, you are extraordinary.  You are beautifully and wonderfully created, and the more you realize this, the more you will be who you were created to be.

How to Attract a Relationship with Affirmations

Affirmations are an amazing way to attract love into your life.  However, If we come from a broken place when looking for a relationship, we then attract those who are in the same space that we are.  For this reason, it is important to come from a place of wholeness, not a place of needing to be filled up by another.  

This doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t use affirmations to attract a relationship.  You most definitely should!  But these affirmations should be first about the love that you have for yourself, and then the love that someone else will have for you.

These affirmations will help you to realize the truth about yourself.  That you are loved.  You are lovable.  You are enough.  You are important.  This is the key to attracting a relationship that is especially worth having and keeping in the long run.  

Check out my Empowered Vision Board Toolkit and use VCTRIBE at checkout for a 60% discount.

This toolkit is SO good and will help you to get clear about your value and attract the love that is already yours. In it I have included a vision workbook, 5 digital phone and desktop vision board Canva templates, and a printable affirmation pack for every area of life including Love & Self Love. 

By believing you are lovable and worthy of an amazing partner, you will then come from a place of wholeness and truth.  Your mind and Spirit will be aligned.  You will see yourself as the Creator sees you and open yourself to all the blessings that are in store.  

This will then attract even more love into your world because you will deeply love yourself, and attract someone who is like minded and whole as you are, who will also deeply love you the way you should be loved.  

Do Affirmations Work

When you first begin speaking affirmations, they might not feel true, but the more you speak them, the more real they will become for you.  Any words spoken repeatedly in your presence will likely become the way that you think and believe whether you are consciously aware or not that this is happening, unless you counter the words with words and thoughts of your own.  

The way I see it is that somebody is speaking their beliefs over you, whether it’s your friends and family, the media, tv shows, music, or wherever you spend most of your time.  These thoughts will then become your beliefs and primary way of viewing things if you don’t counteract the things that you are hearing and seeing with thoughts of your own that benefit you.

If these thoughts and beliefs are positive, great!  If not, you have to be intentional about forming your own beliefs.  

This is where affirmations come in.  When you speak life giving words over yourself repeatedly, first of all it feels amazing!  But even if it doesn’t feel believable to you right away, little by little, these words become your thoughts, which begin to play on repeat in your mind, which then becomes your belief.  It is like building a habit.  

The more you do it, the more you create grooves in your brain and train your brain to think that way and believe that belief.  Consistency is the key to making affirmations work long term.


How to Make Affirmations Work

1. Make a decision not to speak the negative affirmations

2. Make the affirmation short and spoken in the positive

3. Put the affirmations where you can see them daily – by keeping the affirmations where you can see them daily, you are not only remembering to speak your affirmations, but your subconscious mind is also being impressed with these thoughts and beliefs

4. Speak them daily for at least 21 days – this is the amount of time it takes to form a new habit, but this is the minimum amount of time.  Sometimes it takes longer than this.  So continue and be faithful and consistent in speaking your affirmation.  Your commitment to your decision will be rewarded.

Quick story about this.  I have been trying to create a facial regimen for quite a while now.  I would use a product for 10 days and see no difference, so I would move to the next product, and the next, and the next, until I recently decided to fully commit to a regimen for several month.  

After a month and a half I began to see a drastic difference in the smoothness of my face, the moisture in my face.  What I realized is that it wasn’t that I was necessarily using the wrong product, it was that I wasn’t committing to the practice of my facial regimen for an extended period of time.  

Once I decided to commit, I saw real results.  

The same law that applies on the physical plane also applies on the spiritual and mental plane as well.  Prolonged consistency produces results.

So without further ado, here are love affirmations that will change the way you view yourself, your love life, and will attract love into your life.  

Remember, putting these affirmations where you can see them daily is also very important to this practice, because it writes these thoughts on your subconscious mind when you see them, even if you are not speaking them daily.  

I have laid both Self Love and Love affirmations out into beautiful printable form included my Empowered Vision Board Toolkit. Use VCTRIBE at checkout for a 60% discount. Get yours here.


Self Love Affirmations

  1. I deeply love myself
  2. I am loved
  3. I am worthy of great love
  4. I am extraordinary
  5. I am beautifully and wonderfully made
  6. I accept myself just as I am
  7. Everyday I am getting better and better
  8. I am so important to the world
  9. I am worthy of everything I desire
  10. I am enough. I am more than enough
  11. I love and appreciate myself
  12. I love and appreciate others
  13. My life is filled with happiness and love
  14. I have a lot to offer
  15. My heart is filled with love and joy
  16. Even though I might make mistakes, I love and accept myself
  17. I am blessed
  18. My life is full of abundance
  19. I am beautiful both inside and out
  20. I deserve the best
  21. I emit love everywhere I go
  22. Life and love are for me

Relationship Affirmations

  1. I attract the perfect mate for me
  2. My Creator has handcrafted my partner, and they are en route to me now!
  3. I am so attractive
  4. My partner is so attracted to me in every way
  5. I am deeply attracted to my partner in every way
  6. I am in a happy and fulfilling relationship
  7. I am a love magnet
  8. My relationship is filled with laughter and fun
  9. I am in a long lasting relationship
  10. My partner and I are committed to each other in every way
  11. I am whole and completely ready for my life long partner
  12. I am always in the right place at the right time to meet my soulmate
  13. I easily spread love to others and receive and overflow of love from others
  14. I am open to receiving love
  15. I have let go of my past and am ready to give and receive an abundance of love
  16. I am always surrounded by love
  17. It is safe to love
  18. Love is going to take me on an amazing adventure in this lifetime
  19. I will have a beautiful storybook love and romance
  20. My partner is romantic and makes me feel so loved
  21. Amazing people are drawn to me
  22. Being in love is effortless and easy
  23. The love between my partner and I will last a lifetime
  24. My partner and I are connected to each other in every way
  25. My partner and I see each other through the eyes of love
  26. I can trust my partner and my partner can trust me
  27. My partner is the perfect person for my ultimate growth and happiness
  28. My relationship grows stronger everyday