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I have been creating vision boards for I guess about 10 years now, and I must say that I have been absolutely amazed over the years at how many things have come to fruition for me, and how I have seen vision boards work in the lives of other people around me.

I believe strongly in putting your vision out there, watering your vision, and there is no doubt that your vision will come to true!

It is important to know that if you have a desire to receive something that you must let God know your desire by asking.  That is the first and dare I say most important step of all my friend!

A vision board is a great way to put into the Universe the desires of your heart.  You then have to believe and feel that you have already received it, let go, and then comes the receiving.

I have manifested things like trips, a career, relationships and more.  I will talk about each thing in depth, but before I do so, I first want to explain what I did to actually put myself in the position to manifest to begin with.


1. Actually Make the Vision Board

The first step above all else is to actually step out and make one.  I remember when I first learned about vision boards I kept “planning” to make one, for quite a while, a year at least.

Then one day, I finally decided to just do it.  It wasn’t the beginning of the year, all conditions weren’t perfect, I didn’t have all of the supplies that I needed, but I did it anyway.  This was one of the best decisions that I made.

Just sitting down to get it done.

My first one wasn’t what you would call perfect, but it doesn’t have to be.  Just do it, because as I stated above, it is important to ask for the things that you desire so that your intentions are clear and out in the Universe.

The Universe works off of cause and effect, or seed and then fruit.  If there is no seed planted, then there will be no fruit grown.  Your vision board or vision book is you asking, which is the seed. What the Universe then gives you is the fruit.

Know that it doesn’t have to be perfect, just step out in faith and get her done.

2. Be specific about your vision


The next thing I did, which is actually important to do even prior to creating the vision board, is to really get specific about what you want.  What is it that you truly want in your life?

When I started creating vision boards, I worked in corporate America in a job that I didn’t like, but I knew what I wanted.  I had a strong desire to be an artist, a dancer and an actress specifically.  I knew that I wanted to be free from the confines of working a 9 to 5 job on a daily basis.  I didn’t necessarily know how to get there, but I knew that I had a vision.

I wanted to dance for artists and act on commercials and tv shows.  I wanted to live in a city where I had access to big auditions.  I did not want to live as a starving artist, but I wanted to have plenty of money to live and pursue my passion.

I wanted to work full time as a dancer and actress, and travel across the world, and be able to go home and see my family without me having to constantly buy plane tickets for myself. 

With this vision in mind I created more vision boards for myself.  I had pictures and affirmations up all over my room.  I had a picture of the dance agency I wanted to be with.  I pasted my head on professional background dancers and put those pictures up in my room.  I also pasted my head on pictures of women in commercials and on tv shows.


I even went so far as to type myself an email as though it was from the agency that I wanted to be with, congratulating me on booking a performance with an artist.  Yep I was desperate lol


I say all this to say, I was very specific about what I wanted. I knew what was important to me, and not knowing the “how” didn’t matter.  What mattered is that I was specific about my vision, and that I put my vision out there for me to see on a daily basis.


This empowered me to believe it was possible, and also caused amazing things to start happening in my life.

Related: 5 Powerful Law of Attraction Manifestation Techniques That Work


3. Create affirmations

Affirmations are also a very important part of your vision.  This is the language that you speak to yourself inside about your vision.

Putting up affirmations in addition to your photos is important because whenever doubt raises up in your mind, you can refer to your affirmations to speak against the thoughts that come up.  And believe me, we all have thoughts o doubt.

Creating affirmations specific to each vision helps you to feed the positive thoughts.  The thoughts that say I can do anything I put my mind to.

Related: 27 Powerful Affirmations for Money Manifestation

Related: 50 Positive I AM Affirmations for Women

4. Consider making a vision video 

Vision videos are absolutely amazing!  I love them because it’s like a mini movie of the life I desire playing in front of me daily.  How can you not get excited about that.

This is probably the best type of vision board you can create too, because it incorporates a lot of your senses to create a fuller experience when envisioning yourself where you want to be.  Before you know it, you already have the feeling that you are there and you haven’t even gotten there yet, which is really the most important thing about creating a vision board.  Feeling the feeling of having already arrived. 

The main thing that we want to experience  is the feeling of a dream once it is achieved.  How many times have you desired something so strongly, only to get it and not feel as great as you thought you would feel when you got it.

That shows you it’s not really even about what we are getting, but more about the feeling that is invoked because of what we think it gives us.  That is why it is so great to invoke those feeling now, prior to arriving, because you train yourself to feel those feelings now, which will put you on the vibration level of attracting the things that also have your level of vibration.

So if you are feeling great, you will attract even more to make you feel great.  Therefore, you will attract what you are envisioning or something that makes you feel even better.

My absolute favorite software for creating a vision board movie is Mind Movies.  They are truly the best at what they do, and have been creating vision board software and really great  law of attraction courses for years.

They allow you to create movies centered around your vision using videos, pictures, music, subliminal audio (very important), and affirmations.  These are the most important elements that you can use to manifest your dreams and train your brain to see yourself as already there, which is what makes this software so powerful.

Related: How to Create a Vision Board Online, Digital Vision Boards


5. Look at it everyday

Yes my friend. Daily.  This is what I like to call watering your garden.

Creating the vision board is the seed or the asking.  Looking at it daily and feeling the feelings of being there is the watering.  The rest is up to God.

A seed in the ground works the exact same way. We plant in the soil, we water, it grows.  I love comparing thing to nature because it helps me to see how like truly works.

Looking at your vision everyday is fixing the vision in your mind and conditioning you to believe that it is possible, that you have already received. It increases your excitement and your faith in your vision.  This is again what I love about making an online vision board or a vision video.

You can take it with you wherever you go and play it whenever you think about it.  Feeling down about your vision, watch your video.  Feeling doubtful, watch your video.  Just woke up, watch your video.  See how that works.  Before you know it, the video will be playing in your dreams and then in your reality.

Even if you have a physical vision board, you can just take a picture of it and carry it around with you to look at regularly throughout your day.


6. Build your belief 

Creating a vision board is a big step in the right direction, but you have to be willing to believe that it can work for you.

Over the years, I have run across my fair share of people who do not believe in vision boards, or in the Universe moving on your behalf to bring the things that you desire into fruition, but I chose not to listen to those people, and to continue to read and feed my mind thoughts that prove the truth, which is that vision boards absolutely work.

Law of attraction, faith, and belief in God moving to work on my behalf is absolutely real.

Take a look at my blog post of the 7 Best Law of Attraction Books.  These books were crucial to building my mindset and belief around this subject.

I recommend choosing one and making it a part of your daily routine to just read it for 10 minutes a day.  Devote yourself to becoming a learner of this law, and more importantly a doer of the law.  You will then see amazing miracles happen in your world.

Best Tool for Manifestation: The Ultimate Manifestation Planner & Journal 

Things that have come to fruition in my life because of a vision board

As I mentioned before there are so many things that have happened over the years because I put my request out to the Universe and it was answered:

1. Dance agent and career as a professional dancer

I spoke earlier about working in corporate America, which I did for 5 years.  During that time I had quotes, pictures, and affirmations up all over my room of me becoming a professional dancer and actress.

I finally decided that it was time to leave my job.

When I did, I felt in my spirit that Los Angeles was the right move for me.  So I picked up and moved across the country.  Shortly after I arrived, the same dance agency that I had on my wall was having auditions.  I auditioned and made it.

A few months later, maybe about 6, I got a dance tour across the US and I didn’t even have to audition.  I was hired by a choreographer who’s class I was attending for fun.  I then went on to do music videos and danced in a box office movie.

I was a working dancer, and dance was my profession full time, and I hadn’t even been in LA a full year.

2. International Tour – On a specific plane

After that I decided to ask for an international tour since I had already had a US tour.  I put a plane, a passport, a suitcase, and a plane ticket on my vision board.

At the end of that year I was told by the artist that I was then touring with that we would be going to Dubai.  I thought that was the international tour I’d asked for, but it wasn’t.  The following year I went on not 1 but 2 international tours.

First tour around Australia and New Zealand, and then a tour throughout Europe.  A life changing experience.

I loved every moment of it.  I also asked to work with people who I loved being around, who were like family to me.  That was also granted.  Everyone that I traveled with was like family to me.  We were so close, which made touring these places even more amazing.

I found that vision board and looked back at it, and what was so magical, was that the plane ticket that was on my vision board was with Qantas airline, an airline that I had never heard of before.  That ended up being the plane that we took all around Australia.  Amazing.

3. Performance with a specific person

Around the same time I asked for the international tour, I also asked to dance for Beyonce. At the beginning of the following year, I got a call from my agent that I was “on hold” for a Beyonce job.  Whaa?!  Long story short, I ended up getting the Beyonce job and didn’t even have to audition for it.

I danced with her for Superbowl 50 and her Formation video. Thank you God!

4. National Commercial

I had been asking for a national commercial and ended up booking a few with and Black People Meet.  Those were just a few.  Over a 2 year span, I think I booked somewhere around 15 commercials.

I was able to shoot these while on break from touring.

5. TV Show

After having a long and fulfilling dance career, I decided to put more efforts into acting.  Well I ended up settling down, getting married, and getting pregnant.  While pregnant I still really wanted to book a job. 

I asked the Universe specifically for a co-star role on a major network show.  A month later, I was cast on an episode of Blackish. 6 months pregnant and showing.

For that role, I ended up having to sit down the entire time in a long trench coat, so no one was even able to see my belly.  Yep, amazing again.

6. Job making the exact amount that I asked for

While I was pregnant I decided to get a job, but I wanted to make a specific amount.  I wrote the exact amount I wanted and asked the Universe for that.  Initially my recruiter called and told me I had  gotten the job making a certain amount that added up to about $300 less than what I initially wanted.

Although I never told her the number I was desiring.  She then called back a day later saying that she had gotten the number wrong.  When she told me the number, I calculated it, and it was exactly the number that I asked God for after taxes were taken out.  Yep, amazing again.

7. Husband

And last but not least, I decided to get very specific about the man that I desired.  I wrote down everything I wanted him to possess.  I met him years later, but he literally had every quality on the list that I asked for and more!

I truly hope this helps you and encourages you to believe that vision boards are possible and amazing!  Start today and you will be amazed at what comes to fruition in your life.

Check out The Ultimate Manifestation Planner & Journal with 40 pages packed with exercises and planning tools for manifesting your best life!

Leave a comment below and let me know what you have manifested in your life by asking, believing, and receiving!