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The Law of attraction is one of my favorite things to read about because I believe it helps to transform your mind to think about abundance and helps to build your belief that you truly can have whatever it is you believe is possible.

The power of reading

It’s something about reading I believe that transforms thought more than listening to a lecture or a video. It gets into your mind and it is a slow growth, but if you read consistently you will look up 6 months or a year later and the way that you think is totally different.

Thoughts and ideas are repeated in your mind as you read the book and it engrains these thoughts in your mind.

Over the years I have read quite a few books on the Law of attraction and I can attribute my strong conviction that the Law of Attraction works directly to these books.

They have transformed the way that I speak and the things that I believe are possible for my life. There are so many authors that speak on the Law of Attraction, and while I do believe that every book has something great to offer, the books I list below each gave me an AHA! moment that I haven’t gotten from other books.


What is the Law of Attraction and why it matters

Now if you happen to be a little lost on this whole Law of Attraction thing, let me give you a brief synopsis on what this beautiful thing is.

The Law of Attraction is one of the ways that God shows us that we are amazingly loved, and one of the main things that we have to do is just surrender, believe, and let God move. More specifically, the Law of Attraction pretty much says that “you attract what you are”.

If you are joyous, you will attract things to be more joyous about, if you are loving, you will attract even more to love. If we think on things of love, beauty, and joy then this is what we will attract into our world

See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it

Rhonda Byrne

We don’t have to strive constantly to make our life beautiful, we just have to align our thoughts, which then aligns our beliefs, which then aligns our subconscious mind, which then aligns our being to receive all of the abundance that life has to offer. This all begins with the way we think.

Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Romans 12:2

Whatever we feed our mind is what we attract. That is why it is important to feed your mind thoughts of everything positive and I mean everything. Practice seeing the good in everything.

There is abundance everywhere you look. And reading is wonderful and powerful way to start seeing this abundance and the true power of the Law of Attraction. So without further ado…

The books that have transformed the way I believe in what I can receive in my world


Best Law of Attraction Books


The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

What is this book about

The Power of Your Subconscious mind is a book that explains in detail how powerful the subconscious mind is and how you can use the mind to work miracles in your life.

He gives countless examples of how people have used the subconscious mind, and how even he has done so to heal their body, change their circumstances in life and rise to a life that they didn’t otherwise believe was possible.

What I loved about the book

This book helped me to truly believe in the Law of Attraction on another level because the subconscious mind, faith, and law of attraction go hand in hand. It is all the same thing.

Training your subconscious mind to believe that you have already received the thing that you asked for. Live as though that thing has already happened.

All of the examples that he gave in the book helped me to believe that faith, law of attraction is not a respecter of people. It can truly work for anyone, all you have to do is apply it.

It is an easy read and kept me wanting to know more and more. I have recommended this book to quite a few people, and for those who actually go through with it and get it all call me amazed at the principles that they learn in the book.

This is a book that can be the catalyst of true epiphanies in your life and lead you to change the way you believe.


Creative Visualization

What is the book about

Creative Visualization is a book that goes into detail about how to use your imagination to attract things into your life and live an abundant life.

She talks about several different techniques that align you with your desires, which are mainly centered around visualization and affirmations, two very powerful techniques.

What I loved about the book

I loved that she went into detail about each process and told exactly what to do during each process.

She also talked about the barriers that could get in the way. I think this is so important because many times you can read and read and still not be able to put to work the things that you learned.

This book is wonderful for that and she is so knowledgeable about how to apply this amazing gift to your life.

Mind Power

What is the book about

This book is all about the power of the mind and how to practically use and apply principles for success and happiness in your life.

We use only a small portion of the power of our mind, however, with the things that John Kehoe teaches in this book, he shows you how to put the law of attraction to use and use your mind to a much fuller capacity and make life work for you instead of feeling like it is working against you.

What I loved about this book

It’s such an easy read. Kehoe gets straight into techniques, the benefits of each technique and exactly how to use each to apply them to your life to see results with the law of attraction.

This is great for those who are new to the law of attraction and need practical knowledge and easy ways to apply it.

The Game of Life by Florence Scoval Schinn

What is this book about

This book was written back in the 1920s and stresses the importance of focus.  It retells multiple stories of when people used this law to either help or hurt things in their life.

For readers who are new to the law of attraction, this is a great place to start because it gives practical wisdom and shows how the law has clearly worked in the lives of others. It will help to build your trust in this law when put to work.

What I loved about the book

It was a very easy and quick read and Florence Shinn gives countless examples of how others have applied this law, which directly correlates to how you should, or shouldn’t use the law in your life.

The Secret

What is the book about

Well I’m sure if you have landed here on this page, you have more than likely heard of The Secret.

This book, which is also a movie, changed the game. It introduced so many, otherwise unknowing, beings to this amazing gift called the law of attraction.

This is a must read, and the movie is a must watch for anyone looking to know and understand what the Law of Attraction is. There are so many testimonies also from other well known gurus about how this law worked in their life and brought them so many amazing gifts.

From the things that I have heard and read, The Secret is based on some of these other, much older, books on the list, which I’m sure is true because the reality is that for the most part all spiritual books are saying the same thing.

Ask, believe, let go, receive, amongst many other commonalities. The Secret just did a wonderful job of relaying the message in an understandable manner and a more widespread manner.

What I loved about this book

This book blatantly showed the world some of the most tightly held secrets of the Universe. What a blessing!

Where our eyes may have been closed before, they have been opened wide, and now we get to decide to use it for a life of joy, abundance, love, and more without feeling like we are always striving uphill and not knowing why.

This book shows us “the way”. And it helped to open my eyes to other well known and popular texts, such as the Bible, that also explains the Law of Attraction in great detail. However, when you have read a book for so long, and are used to hearing people talk about something in a certain way, it can be difficult to truly see it for the power that it is.

When I read and watched The Secret, it opened my eyes, so that when I went back to The Bible things were so clear to me, things that I couldn’t believe I had missed before.

The Science of Getting Rich

What is the book about

This book is about the power of the mind and the necessary things that a man must do to achieve all of his desires in life.

It emphasizes the importance of focusing your mind on the things that you want and having one main goal in mind, getting rich because that’s how you can serve the world the most.

Now this may sound a bit extreme, but this book has a lot of wisdom to offer and isn’t the typical “get rich” book. Its focus is on the spiritual wisdom behind what truly helps a person to succeed, and the forces in play that we don’t see.

Each chapter teaches about a different principle that is important to the success of a person as it relates to the laws of our Universe.

What I loved about this book

There is so much wisdom in this book, and it goes in depth about the laws of the Universe. It introduces principles that challenge your beliefs, and goes in depth about what is necessary to apply in order for you to live an abundant life.

According to a lot of people, this book is what The Secret is based upon and pulled most of its teachings from.

I would highly recommend reading this in conjunction with The Secret, because it goes into detail about a lot of the principles and why you must apply these to be successful at “The Law”.

Ask and It is Given

What is the book about

Ask and It is Given is a book by the legendary Esther and Jerry Hicks. This is one of my favorite books on the Law of Attraction.

It’s a 2 part book. There is one that goes into so much detail about our place in this world and the things that we should expect being a part of this universe. How much we are loved by the Universe and how much abundance there is around us.

The second part of the book then goes on to tell tons of processes to do based on your current set point (their terminology for how you feel) to both feel better and manifest better things into your world.

There are many processes in this book and they go into great detail about how to use both. These are life changing processes. Life changing.

What I love about this book

It is very very detailed and really can be your one stop book to learn what you need to know about the Law of Attraction.

As I mentioned above, these processes are life changing if you put them to use. I have used many of the processes in this book to manifest things in my life. My husband, money, a role on television, and more. It really does work.

I encourage you, get this book and act on it. Put these processes or even just 1 to work for an extended period of time and you will most definitely see results.