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Visioning is one of my favorite things to do for more reasons than one.  One because I know that by visioning I am co-creating with the Creator of the Universe to create my world. I have power that I can use to make my life absolutely amazing.

In addition to that it makes me feel so good to think about my ideal world.  In my mind I can live anywhere, be anything, and so much more.  I don’t know about you but man that feels so good to imagine.  

And this doesn’t mean that you are unsatisfied with where you currently are, but a part of being conscious is the desire to experience even more and have an ever increasing experience on this earth.

So yes dreamers it is ok to dream!

What is a Vision Journal

A vision journal is a dreamer’s heaven.  Simply put, it is a place where you can put all of your dreams in a book in as much detail as you like.

You can go amazingly crazy in a vision journal because there is so much space to do so, depending on how large your journal is.  Your journal can include things like pictures, affirmations, written goals, and more that we will get into below.  

Check out this amazing vision journal and digital vision board templates I have created to take your vision journaling to the next level.  It’s 50% off for my website visitors for a limited time.

The purpose of a vision journal is to put out what you would like to see come to past in your life.  What are the things that you are asking for?  What do you desire in your life?  You should never limit yourself to only the things that you know you can accomplish.

The best visions are those that we are out of control of and truly don’t know “how” it is going to be achieved, yet we have faith in it anyway.

This journal allows you to put your wildest dreams out there, look at those dreams as often as possible, and imagine them already being achieved.  By doing so, this gives you the feelings of having already accomplished what you desire.

We have all probably heard the phrase Ask, Believe, Receive.  This has been cited in the Bible and many other Spiritual books, but the whole idea is asking God for what you desire, believing that you have already received it, and then allowing the receiving to take place by letting go and being open to receiving.

Creating a vision journal is your way of asking for what you desire.  Looking at your journal daily is your way of building the faith and feeling the feelings that you have already received what it is that you desire.

Then comes the receiving, YESSS!  Which isn’t really your part to wonder how and when it is going to happen.  Your part is to continue feeling the feelings of already having received it.  Keep your eye on the prize, or in this case… the journal.

.79 andVision Board vs. Vision Journal

So which is better a vision board or a vision journal?  Hmmmmm. Well they are both used for different purposes.  The things that I like most about a vision journal a vision board doesn’t possess and vice versa.  Take a look at the comparison chart below.

Vision Journal Vision Board

More private and is perfect for just your eyes

Can put on display to easily see daily
Can travel with you wherever a notebook is allowed.  This makes it easy for you to take and view with you wherever you go Is usually in a stationary place for you to look at daily.  This makes it more likely that you will see it everyday even when you forget to look intentionally
Easily added to and can therefore be an ongoing book as your vision grows Usually have to make a new one when you want to add to your vision or change your vision
Can hold lots of pictures and text Limited in space, so this is primarily for pictures with limited text, although some text is definitely possible, just not in long form

As you can see that each have their own advantages and disadvantages.  My advice is not to get stuck deciding which one to do, just chose and go for it.  Both are for the same purpose, which is the Ask.  ​


What to Add to Your Vision Journal

Whether you choose to do a vision journal or a vision board there are key things that will help you to create the most amazing vision possible.  There are some things below that I mention that are more possible in a vision journal that a vision board.

If you are looking for the perfect vision journal to create the best year for your life, this vision journal and vision board kit will do just that.


1. Affirmations

This is very important simply because it combats the negative chatter that we all seem to have going on in our minds off and on.

When you create affirmations for each specific part of your vision you are training your brain to think this thought or affirmation when you think about your vision.

So for example, if you have a desire to lose weight and you have a picture of a slender woman with abs in your vision journal, even though this picture was placed there to make you feel good about yourself, you might look and think “oh I’ll never look like that”.

However, when your affirmation is placed right by the picture and reads “I weigh 130 lbs, and I look and feel amazing”, then you are immediately training yourself to think that thought when you see that vision, and this now becomes something that makes you feel good because you are picturing yourself already there.

Affirmations also help you to believe through repetition.

The more you see and repeat this affirmation, it becomes like music that plays in our head of a song we heard that can play on a loop in our head for days without us realizing it except when we start singing it out loud.  This especially happens for songs that you listen to on a regular basis.

Affirmations are the same way.  When you repeat them often, they become engrained in your thoughts and start playing in the background on autopilot without you even being aware.  It is a seed that is planted in your subconscious mind and continues to grow and grow the more you feed it until it becomes a solid belief in your spirit.

In your vision journal you can include these either on their own page where you look regularly and speak all the affirmations on the page over your life, or you can include these affirmation on each page next to pictures that speak to what your affirmation is about.  This is my favorite way of doing it.

Make sure that when you write your affirmations that they are spoken in the positive.  Such as, “I am 130lbs and I love the way I look and feel” as opposed to “I am no longer overweight”.

You want to stay away from words like not, no, and anything else in the negative.  You also want to stay away from words that don’t describe what you want to see in your mind’s eye about yourself, such as, “overweight”.  Instead you want to be specific about the exact way that you want to see yourself and the exact way that you want to feel.  “I feel amazing and healthy”, “I weight 130lbs and feel so light”.

Related: 50 Positive Love Affirmations to Feel and Attract Love Into Your Life

2. Specificity

Our next must have in our vision book is specificity.  When writing your vision do not be vague.  We want to be as clear as possible because specific goals and vision produce specific results.  Vague goals and vision produce little to no results, or very vague results.

Going back to our example above, we said, “I weigh 130lbs and feel amazing”.  This is very specific goal.  A number is stated, and as wild as it seems, God honors specificity.

I remember I once wrote that I make $5000 every month after taxes back when I was looking for a contract job.  I ended up getting a job and the recruiter called and told me how much I would be making.  When I calculated it, it was right under $5000 net.

Well a few days later, she circles back around and says, “Hey sorry I got the number wrong.  It looks like you are going to be making a little more than we expected.”  When I did the calculation, the amount came to $5000 exactly after taxes.  Amazing right.  That’s what I said.  This type of thing has happened to me numerous times because I believe in specificity.

Another time specificity came to fruition was when I was pregnant.  I’m an actress and there aren’t many roles out there for pregnant women.  However, I still wanted to book a small role so that if I did have to conceal my belly on camera, it would only be a for a day.  So I wrote down  “I booked a costar role on a network tv show”.  The following month I had an audition and booked a costar role on a network television show on ABC.  It only worked one day, and I didn’t even have to conceal my belly because my role was to wear a long trench coat and deliver my lines while sitting down.  My belly never even saw the screen!

Now I couldn’t have thought of a better way to align this.  God is amazing!  So remember that specificity is your friend when writing your vision or choosing the type of photos that you want to add to your vision book, which leads us to our next point.


3. Pictures that make you feel good

When adding pictures to your vision book, make sure to add pictures that are specific to the vision you want.  Think in detail about how your vision looks.  Also think in detail about how you want your vision to feel when you receive it.  And add pictures that give you this feeling.  This is important because the purpose of a vision book, vision board, etc. is to feel the way you want to feel when looking at it.

If it is a new and beautiful home you want, make sure that the pictures are how you would like for your home to look or at least give you the feelings that you want to feel when in your new home.

If it’s a new mate to share your life with, include pictures that make you feel a great sense of love.  Add words that you want the person to possess and how you want to feel when you are with this person. Add pictures of things that you would like to do with this person.

Those types of things are what should truly bring the feeling that you are already in that moment when you are looking at these things in your vision book.


4. Gratitude page

What I love about making a vision book is that you can also include other things that might be hard to add on a vision board due to limited space, which is a gratitude page.  This page has pictures of the things that you are grateful for in your life at this very moment.  What makes you feel good right now.

Even the smallest thing matters because the smallest amount of gratitude can light up your whole spirit and your entire day.  This can include pictures like your friends, family, nature, your job for bringing in the money that allows you to do the things you do, a career that you love, your community, and the list can go on and on.

Even if it’s something as small as your favorite rocking chair that you get to come home to and relax in, it works.  This will keep you grounded and allow you not to be so caught up and focused on the future, but also living for the present moment realizing how much greatness is here right now.

The better you feel, the more goodness you will attract into your world.  So focusing on what makes you feel good now is amazing.

Also, don’t think this means trying hard to feel good about something you don’t feel good about.  No way.  However, the way to feel better about it is to change your point of focus.  What do you actually feel good about right now.  Focus on the good and the things that aren’t so great will fade away.


5. Scripting

This is one of those things that always makes me feel so amazing when I’m writing it.  Scripting is writing a paragraph or pages of what you see and desire for your life.  Scripting allows you to imagine in so much detail, and believe me, while writing you truly get swept away in the story of your life.


Years ago, I scripted, before I even knew that it was called scripting and pretty much wrote the life that I am living, or at least the life I lived a few years after I moved to Los Angeles.

I was a professional dancer, dancing for a living for famous artists touring the world with plenty of money in my pocket.  I was able to fly back home all the time for free before going out on another awesome weekend with amazing people that I was so blessed to be able to work with.

In addition to that, I had found a living situation in LA that allowed me to live stress free, and not have to pay rent while I was traveling.  In addition to that, I also had a commercial career and was booking lots of commercials that were seen all across the US.  And believe it or not, I wrote all of this down.  I was very very specific in what I wanted and I got it all.

Related: Law of Attraction Success Story & Stepping Out on Faith

Allow yourself to dream as big as possible and get excited about your vision.  It is so fun!  It’s definitely one of my favorite things to do.  In your vision book keep space for an entire section of scripting.

If you want to script daily, as the journal will be a working document, feel free to do that.  If you want to script once for each vision next to the pictures and affirmations, that is also a great way to do it.

If you love the idea of vision books as much as I do, you will love The Empowered Vision Board Toolkit.  It’s 79 pages of everything mentioned above plus digital templates and beautiful affirmation cards.  This is the perfect kit for writing and manifesting everything you desire.


Vision Journal Organization

Vision books are an amazing way of laying out your vision and including so many amazing things that might be harder to include on a vision board due to space restrictions.

You can also easily look back at a vision book to see what you have accomplished that you dreamed about over the years.  It can easily be used to add on to your vision, and allow you to see and focus on one vision at a time depending on how you set you vision book up.

You can use layouts such as:

  • Organizing by the Year – this is when you lay your vision book out year by year with the things that you want to accomplish each year.  Now this is not to restrict God from giving you something sooner or later, because your intention should be “this or something better”. So The Universe always knows the best route to take, but being specific with openness is definitely preferable.
  • Organizing by the Specific Vision – here each page is dedicated to a specific vision.  On this page, there is no other vision associated.  The way I suggest doing this is making one side dedicated to your vision in pictures and affirmations, and the other side dedicated to scripting out your vision.  this way as you turn each page, you have a complete spread dedicated to a specific vision.

Both of these layouts are amazing to me, but whichever you choose, it is important to stick to it and make looking at it a part of your daily routine.

This can be done by taking 5 minutes in the mornings when you first wake up to sit and view your vision book and feel the feelings of already being there.  You can also take 5 minutes at night right before bed and look at your vision.

Do these simple habits and you will bring those things you desire to fruition.  Happy journaling!

Don’t forget to get the Empowered Vision Board Toolkit vision board toolkit for 50% off for a limited time!