These amazing vision board quotes have come from great minds and visionaries who believed in more than what they could see in front of them. Vision is about creating your life on purpose and taking your imagination and God given abilities to believe in and create...
Self love and confidence affirmations when done on a consistent basis are extremely powerful in building your self worth and giving you the confidence you need to completely change the way you view yourself and start accomplishing your dreams and desires. As women it...
The thoughts of creating a vision board is exciting and life giving, but have you ever been stuck on what to actually put on your vision board? Well, these vision board printables and templates will help you on your journey to creating a vision board that actually...
Manifesting your dreams has become a big point of focus lately, and I love it because people are really beginning to understand the power that they have in assisting with the creation of their life with intention. The truth is that we have been given the amazing...
You’ve decided that you want an amazing life, and heard that you play a vital part in making that happen by putting your vision out there. Is this true? Absolutely!! Creating a vision board or vision journal is an amazing way to become very intentional about...
Hi there! My name is Christina and I am a mommy to 2 beautiful babies. I worked to overcome my limiting beliefs and pursue my dreams 8 years ago and haven’t looked back since. My goal is to help you to believe in yourself and give you the tools to create an amazing life!