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You’ve decided that you want an amazing life, and heard that you play a vital part in making that happen by putting your vision out there. Is this true? Absolutely!!

Creating a vision board or vision journal is an amazing way to become very intentional about your life and bring your hearts desires to life.

So now that you know that creating a vision board can help you, what now? What will you actually need to create this board with your vision? Well let’s first begin by explaining what a vision board exactly is.

What is a vision board

A vision board is exactly that…your vision on a board. Go figure huh? But…I must add that it is much more than this.

For a long time, many people have spoken about making your vision “plain” and that people who write down their goals are 5 times more likely to accomplish them than those that do not.

This means that there must be something about…

1. Getting very clear about the things that you want in life and truly thinking about what that looks like to you. And,

2. Writing out your goals and vision in some way for you to be able to see them on a regular basis.

A vision board I believe should do both of these things, be specific about your desires, and display them for you to see on a regular basis.

This can be done in pictures and/or words. It is usually done on a board of some sort, like a poster board, but can also be done in a journal, which I also personally love.

When you put your goals and vision on display for you to see on a regular basis, something magical and spiritual happens. It really does. I have experienced it many times. Little by little or sometimes suddenly, your dreams and desires begin to come into your reality.

It’s great using our own will power and manpower to make things happen. That’s why we have the ability to do for ourselves. However, I truly believe that when you put your vision in front of you and view it everyday, that you put even more power behind your goals and desires, and things that you might not have been able to align yourself begin to work in your favor and on your behalf to make your desires reality.

It is another way for you to ask the God/The Universe and Creator for what you desire. Ask & Believe, and you will Receive.

How to create a vision board

Creating a vision board is actually quite fun. Once you start working on your goals and future, it begins to excite you!

1. I like to begin with the planning phase to make sure that I’m very clear about what I want in my life and what I want to include on my vision board. This can be planning in every area of your life if you will be including that on your vision board, or just a few areas, you want to be very clear.

2. Next, start thinking about how you want to feel. Feeling is very important because you may be asking for something that you think will bring you happiness, only to realize that when you get it, it doesn’t provide the fulfillment you thought you would feel.

Focusing on your goals is important, but also focusing on the feelings and person you wish to become can be even more important when thinking about your vision.

3. Then start finding pictures and affirmations that align with your goals and feelings

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4. Categorize these sections on your vision board and begin to add the pictures and affirmations to your vision board in sections.

5. Add other quotes and pictures that inspire you and make you feel excited when you look at them.

No matter what you add to your board, make sure that it makes you feel good when you look at it! Your vision for the future should always inspire you.

When you look at your board don’t worry about how it will come into your reality, just trust that it will come.

Materials needed to create a vision board

Alright! Now that we know the how, let’s figure out the what. Below are the materials you will need to bring this vision board to life:

1. Planning sheet – Prep, prep, prep! Getting clear about what you want is key to this whole process. What do you desire to bring into your reality and why? Getting clear in the beginning makes the rest of the process that much easier.

2. Poster board or a journal – Grab something to put your vision on or in. This can be done using a poster board, cork board, and can even be put into a journal and become a vision journal instead of a vision board.

3. Affirmation cards and Sayings that inspire you – How do you want to feel, and see yourself. Speaking positive affirmations about the things that you desire helps you to believe that it is possible. Your words are so powerful, so using them to speak life into your desires regularly will also help to bring them into your life experience.

4. Pictures – Add pictures from places like magazines, Google images, clip art, online photo collections, and Canva. You can also crop your face onto some of the pictures that you download. I love this because it really helps me to see myself in the situation that I’m asking for.

5. Time and Space – Creating your vision and really deciding on what you desire in life requires silence and contemplation. Today we have so many distractions from social media and electronics, to an unlimited amount of career options and paths that we can take.

However, the reality is that there is only one you and only you can do what you are specifically meant to do in this world. Allow yourself to sit in a quiet place, grab your favorite hot beverage and contemplate your life. What do you truly desire?