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Manifesting your dreams has become a big point of focus lately, and I love it because people are really beginning to understand the power that they have in assisting with the creation of their life with intention.

The truth is that we have been given the amazing ability to co-create a beautiful life of love an abundance with our ultimate Creator. That’s bomb! (wait do people still use that word?)

Either way, this is great news because that means we have more power over what happens in our lives than we once thought, or more than most of us grew up thinking we had.

There are so many ways to use this power for our benefit and the benefit of others in life, but in this article we will focus on one, being a journal. And the 5 steps you can take to create and journal your dreams into reality.

What is a manifestation journal

A manifestation journal is a journal that you write your dreams and goals in as though they were already achieved. This journal can include pictures, affirmations, limiting beliefs and the thoughts to overcome these beliefs as they relate to your goal, and a lot more.

Manifestation journals are great because you can continue to add your dreams and it can grow with you over time as you grow. It’s similar to a vision board, but can include much more.

Another thing that is great about a manifestation journal is that as you add new goals to it, you can also look back and see how the things that you previously prayed and asked for have come to fruition.

Manifestation journal ideas

When you are asking the ultimate Creator for your dreams and goals to be met, asking is the primary element to include in your journal, but you also want to be sure that you aren’t just focused on the “ask”.

In creating your life you have each element of Ask, Believe, and Receive. This means that you want to cover all three with your manifestation journal since it can include as much as you would like.


When you ask for your desires I believe it is good to use a combination of writing down exactly what you want and adding pictures for what you desire also.

Being specific in the ask is very important, so try to get very clear about what you desire. Close your eyes and imagine that you are receiving the things that you have prayed for. What do you see, how does it feel?


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    A lot of times we have limiting beliefs around the thing that we are asking for in our lives. It is important to speak life into our goals and dreams and build the belief that it is possible to achieve.

    Therefore, creating affirmations (not too many because you want to be able to easily remember them) around what you want to manifest for is important. Do you have limiting beliefs that are holding you back? If so, create an affirmation that opposes that thought and the negative thought will begin to fall away.

    Another way to create belief around your dreams is by using what I mentioned in Ask. Visualization. This helps you to continue to see yourself achieving this certain goal and creates grooves in your mind that literally changes the way you see yourself. You begin to view yourself as the person you are seeing in your visualization.


    Receiving is allowing yourself to be open and in the positive mindset to receive what the Creator is giving you. A great thing that I heard once is,

    your prayers are always being answered, but you are not always ready to receive what you are asking for.

    Receiving is both mental and physical.

    Mentally receiving is putting yourself in the frequency of gratitude and is also done with aligning your beliefs with the things that you desire. Practicing gratitude is one of the single most important habits you can do to open yourself up to receive more of what you desire. It brings you back to your natural state of love, which is where everything you desire is aligned.

    Physically receiving is when you take action to move in the direction of your goals.

    Asking for something and then sitting still can work, if that is what you truly feel the Universe is telling you to do. However, in most cases we need to take action in the direction of our desires and the pieces will then begin to fall into place.

    I can’t tell you how many times I have asked for something, and then the moment I step out and make moves to do my part, the Universe just drops something amazing in my lap.

    6 Key Steps to Create a Journal for Manifestation

    1. Begin with Gratitude

    Gratitude is the start of creating a life you love. The reality is, we have already been blessed with so much already and by opening ourselves to see the good that we already have, we open ourselves to receive even more good in our lives.

    So begin by writing down 5 things that you are grateful for. Allow yourself to really think about the qualities of each that brings you joy and benefits your life.

    2. Ask The Universe for direction

    Ultimately we don’t know everything. Ultimately I want to receive the highest good for my life, and I believe the best is received when I align my desires with what The Creator desires for me.

    Therefore, it is good to begin by aligning your mind and desires and asking for direction as it relates to what we are asking for.

    This can be done by sitting still and listening for a while. Write in your journal the insights you might hear as it relates to your dreams. These insights can give you powerful steps to take towards your goals.

    3. Be very clear about your desires and write them down daily

    Begin with the end in mind. When creating your manifestation journal, write exactly what life will look like when you have achieved your dreams. Be very specific.

    Don’t be afraid to dream big! Don’t worry about how you will achieve these goals right now. If you want it, write it.

    You can write in story format as though you are living out your dream now. Think about what you see, who you see, and how you feel.

    4. Add pictures and feeling words

    Add pictures that show your end result after you have achieved this goal. I love adding my face to the pictures to give it more of a me touch and actually see myself living the dream.

    Something that is often overlooked is thinking about how you actually want to feel when your prayers are answered. Think about what achieving this goal will mean to you? How does that make you feel?

    Add pictures and words that represent these feelings.

    5. Write an affirmation for each goal you want to manifest daily

    This should preferably be 1 affirmation that is easy to remember so that you can speak it throughout the day. However, it’s ok if you can’t make it short because you will write it daily when looking in your journal.

    I like to write this affirmation a minimum of 5 times and speak it out loud as I am writing it. This really begins to engrain this belief in your mind.

    6. After affirming, visualize

    Close your eyes and breathe slowly, giving yourself some time to get into a relaxed mental state. Now begin to see yourself living your day to day life in this dream.

    Think about the things that you see in your environment. How are the lives of other people affected by what you have achieved. How are they benefiting from your dreams coming true. How are you helping people? How much better is your life?

    Use about 5 minutes to really enjoy visualizing this reality.

    After your visualization is complete, speak the words “Thank you for this or something better. I believe and I receive”

    And that’s it!

    Do this daily to manifest your goals and dreams!

    If you would like an awesome manifestation journal template and planner, I have created a 40 page journal that includes everything discussed in this article and more! It really is amazing and that’s not just because I created it, haha.

    I have been on this journey for a while and it includes everything that has helped me to create an amazing life that I love including a career of my dreams as an worldwide touring dancer, an amazing husband with all of the qualities I asked for, an actress on multiple tv shows and commercials. I pray and truly believe that this journal will benefit you as much as it did me. Happy journaling!


    Manifest an amazing life on purpose with this amazing vision board template!

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