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Vision boards are such a powerful thing to create in your life to bring your dreams into your reality. So why not create a family vision board that is just as powerful, but for your family!

I recently got married and have loved creating vision boards for the past 10 years.

So last year while creating a vision board for myself, I thought, why not create a shared vision board for my husband and I, and my 4 month old.

So I got hubby together and started planning the things that we saw for our family down the road and even now.

It was such a powerful and fun experience!

It helped us to get even more excited about what we are building together as a family and showed us what was possible.

What is a vision board

A vision board is the vision that you have for your life displayed on a board in picture and words.

It is a way of asking the Universe for what you desire in your heart and believing that what you ask for will come true.

A vision board should inspire you to be your best self and align your actions with what you desire in life to have and contribute to the world.

What is the purpose of a vision board

The purpose of a vision board is to manifest your desires through focused intention on your goals.

The goal is to see exactly what you desire to be true in your life and create the feeling of already having it now.

Through daily focused intention by looking at your vision board, your goals will become engrained in your mind and spirit.

The law of attraction as well as many other spiritual books including the Bible, says that you attract what you are and what you believe.

Believe it and you will receive it.

Ask and it shall be given unto you.

That’s what a vision board helps you to do. Ask for the desires of your heart, and believe that what you are asking for is already yours.

The purpose of a family vision board is just that as well.

Think about what you desire for your family.

What do you desire for your relationship and your children?

Do you want to travel? Are you envisioning a certain type of education for your babies? What type of values do you hold or want to hold as a family?

Putting these things on your family vision board will not only bring those things into your desire, but will serve as a reminder of what you want for your family, and therefore, help to align the hearts of your family as they see them over and over again.

Where to put your family dream board

Depending on what you discuss with your family, it’s a good idea to put your family vision board where all who are involved can see it.

You want the entire family to be influenced by the vision board and use their mental power to bring the desires into reality.

There is so much power when two or more minds come together for a shared goal! So use this power for your good!

However my friend…with that being said, if you have someone in your family that continues to speak negatively about the goals on the vision board and bringing down the vision, it might be best to move the vision board to an area where they won’t see it.

You want positive energy directed towards your goals, which means that at times we have to choose who we share our goals with so that seeds of negativity aren’t planted in our mind.

What do you put on a family vision board

A family vision board is similar to a vision board, but for the family. So you want to put the vision as it relates to your overall shared vision for your family.

This can include a family vision statement, pictures around your family goals, relationship images for your marriage, goals for your children, shared travel goals, a focus word, family affirmations, feelings that you want to prevail in your home, and any other vision that you have created together with your family.

A family vision statement and values

This is a big one. As a family it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day actions of living life that a vision of who you are and where you are headed together can easily get lost in the sauce.

A vision statement reminds you of what you stand for and what your shared vision is together as a family.

Do you desire to be a family that uplifts each other and promotes love in and out of the household.

Do you want to give back to the community as a family?

Are you focused on education as a pillar of your household?

What values are important to you?

Your vision and values can be an actual statement, or you can put words that align with your vision for your family like love, patience, education, kindness, boldness, Christ, peace, ad the list goes on.

A focus word

Depending on if you make a family vision board every year, every few years, you may want to change your focus word even if you aren’t changing your actual board.

A focus word is just that, a word that you and your family are focused on for a certain duration of time.

Unlike your values, which are always a part of you and the foundation on which your family stands, a focus word is something that you are acutely focused on as a family and very intentional about incorporating into your daily lives.

For example, your family focus word could be “contribution”. I have always loved this as a focus word in my life because it gives me the nudge that I need to focus on contributing to the world over consuming.

Another focus word could be “gratitude”. By choosing gratitude as a focus word, you could encourage your family to speak or write gratitude daily.

Focus on being grateful for things around you and what each other is doing for one another in the household.

This encourages heightened awareness on gratitude and can intentionally cultivate this type of environment in your household.

You can take your values and allot a particular amount of time on each value throughout the year.

I encourage you to give each focus word a minimum of 90 days on your vision board before changing it to give it time to really sink in with your family and create lasting change.


Adding pictures that align with your family vision really brings your family vision board to life.

A great way to choose the pictures that you want to add is by first deciding on your goals that you want to achieve as a family.

After you have your goals or desired outcomes, go one by one and choose about 2-4 pictures that resonate with the goal and gives you a feeling of excitement.

I also like to add my face on top of the pictures there are people in the picture.

This really helps me to see myself in the scenario.

So if my husband and I want to renew our vows or go on a beautiful trip to Bali, I could find a couple chillin in Bali and pop our faces onto the couple.

And now I see myself living it up in Bali!

Family Affirmations

In addition to pictures, affirmations are important for the goals on your vision board because they can put your goal into word form written as though it is already true for your family.

This increases the belief that you already have what you desire.

For example, a goal might be for your family to travel to Europe for the summer and stay for a month.

You could write as an affirmation next to the pictures of Europe “We enjoyed the amazing trip that we took to Europe summer 2022. What a beautiful bonding time for our family. We will never forget it”.

Whatever your affirmations are that are written on your board, speak them as though they have already happened or are about to happen.

Another way you can affirm this vision is by saying “We are so excited about our upcoming trip to Europe!”.

It’s short, sweet, and speaks to the future of what you are looking forward to and excited about.

Write the affirmation in the form that resonates with you and your family the most.

Feelings for your home

Goals are wonderful to have, but what are goals without the feelings of love and support in your home from the people you love?

Adding the feelings that you desire to feel in your home is important because it draws those feelings into your life.

It also keeps those feelings at the forefront of your mind and begins to train you to think those positive feelings regularly.

Feelings can be intentional until they become automatic.

What I mean by this is that if you feel like the feeling of support isn’t really predominate in your home, you can be intentional about focusing on that feeling until it becomes so.

These words kind of align with the values that you stand for as a family.

Ultimately you have goals because you want to contribute to the world in some way, and because you believe that they will bring you joy in some way.

There have been many people that have accomplished a goal or received something they have asked for only to find that it doesn’t bring them the joy they thought they would have.

Therefore, let the Universe know your ultimate desire and God can bring you what truly aligns with what you desire to have in you and your family’s life.

We can only see but so far into the future, but the Creator can see far beyond and ultimately knows what will bring true joy.

Relationship images for your marriage

If you are married, a happy home begins with your marriage and trickles down to every other part of the household including the kids.

What are your goals for your marriage?

Adding a vision of your marriage can help to envigorate your marriage and keep it strong.

It helps you and your spouse to remember your shared vision and what makes your relationship special.

When you are working towards a shared vision together, it helps to bond you and give your relationship more meaning. Especially when things are accomplished and celebrated together.

Goals for your children

Let’s not forget the babies! or big kids 🙂

What are your desires and goals for your children? What are their desires and goals for themselves?

It’s amazing to get your kids involved in the visioning process and show them the power of creating a vision board.

This helps them to also learn about the power of goal setting and taking initiative in life.

This is a great way to understand what your children want to achieve in their lives and see where their focus is. And also teach them about goal setting and vision.

Other family goals

A family vision board can have multiple goals or as few as you would like.

I encourage sitting down together as a family and coming up with your goals for the year.

Try not to overcrowd the vision board, but include goals that include your entire family so that everyone feels included and is a part of the shared family vision.

In Conclusion

A family vision board is so powerful for your family and can help bind you together as you plan and receive your desires together.

Use these steps to plan and create an amazing vision board together!

Happy creating!