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Being a parent is one of the most rewarding and most challenging things that I have ever done in my life. It brings out the best in me and the most fear in me. I absolutely love being a mother, but I must admit that parenthood requires me to grow or be left wondering where “me” and my sanity went.

I have realized that I must step up my inner game to have peace within, which will then give me peace without in the amazing chaos that is parenthood. Allowing me to be present for my child, be the parent that he needs me to be loving him fully, and enjoy every moment that comes with being a mom to an amazing little boy.

That is where affirmations come in.

Why Affirmations

Affirmations are a great and easy way to change your beliefs and your mindset about your circumstances. We all have thoughts swirling around in our mind about the past, the future, the present, and so much more that we can’t predict. The thoughts might tell us that we are not enough or an array of other things that aren’t true.

Affirmations allow us to speak against the thoughts (or negative affirmations) that seem so set on telling us things that are not for our good. With affirmations, you can change the narrative that your mind is telling you so that you can begin to believe what is good and true.

The reality is that you are good enough, you are loving, you are patient, and all is well with you, your baby, and your family.

That is the truth and if you commit to speaking these over your life and your child’s life, you will begin to know in your heart and transform the way you feel and move in parenthood.

How Can I Make Affirmations Work for Me

Changing your thoughts is just like changing any other habit that you have formed over an extended period of time. It takes at least 21 days to change any habit, and this is because your brain is building the connections and destroying the old ones.

You have probably been thinking certain negative thoughts for quite a while, which has turned into a mental habit. The good news is, however, that you don’t need to invest that much time to change the way you think. A month or two of speaking affirmations can drastically improve your thoughts and your circumstances and the way you view parenting.

Take a look at some of the affirmations below and choose the ones that you will focus on in your life for at least 21 days, and preferably 2 months. Speak them with meaning for at least 5 minutes a day out loud. I also like to look in the mirror at myself when speaking my affirmations.

I know that these will help you if you commit. Parenthood is so rewarding and amazing if you allow it to be. It’s time for us to get out of our head and into our hearts and life our best life with our babies!

36 Affirmations for Parents and Parenting 

  1. I am a capable and loving parent
  2. My child is safe and protected at all times
  3. I trust myself
  4. I trust my child
  5. I follow my inner guidance and always know the right decision to make
  6. It’s ok to make a mistake, it will pass and get better
  7. I’m getting better and better in every way, every day
  8. I am a strong parent and I am strong for my children
  9. All things are working out for my good and my family’s good
  10. I have been gifted with so much patience
  11. I love being a parent to my amazing child
  12. My child is getting better and better everyday
  13. I easily love my child
  14. My child is growing into an amazing human being
  15. I have everything I need to provide and take care of my child
  16. I am enough
  17. My child is enough
  18. My child is progressing just as he/she should be.
  19. I accept my child as they are
  20. I speak kind words to my child
  21. My child is receptive of the words that I speak
  22. I am an extraordinary parent
  23. I instill wisdom and love into my child
  24. I set a great example for my child
  25. My child admires me
  26. My child is healthy
  27. My child is limitless
  28. I am confident in my role as a parent
  29. My child is happy and filled with joy
  30. I am a rock that my child can lean on
  31. My child is loving and kind
  32. I am grateful to be a parent
  33. My family is blessed beyond my understanding
  34. My family is surrounded by abundance
  35. My child is always surrounded and uplifted by love
  36. I am surrounded by love and parent from love