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Many years ago the idea of being able to manifest your desire through thought was something that was not just common knowledge to the masses and if you tried to tell your friends this, you may have risked getting laughed out of the room. Most people did not understand that manifestation using faith or the Law of Attraction was a very real thing.

However, this is ancient wisdom that has been known by a few and spoken about in Spiritual texts for a very long time. 

We all have the power to manifest our desires through thoughts, words, and beliefs, and we do so whether we are conscious that we are doing so or not. Whatever you desire to manifest, these powerful Law of Attraction Manifestation techniques are super clutch for bringing them into your reality sooner rather than later.

The Power of Intention for Manifestation

It is so much better to consciously create our life by paying attention to what we focus on and being intentional about what we desire for our lives. 

Intention is very powerful because without it what we are asking for is vague and scattered.  Intention creates focus directed towards a certain desire.  When we focus it is like holding a magnifying glass over a certain point on a sheet of paper. 

With the sun shining through the magnifying glass we can burn a hole in the paper if held at this point for an extended amount of time.  However, if the magnifying glass is moving around and unfocused, nothing will happen. 

When we have intention and focus on our desire for an extended period of time, we are telling God that this is what we desire to bring about, and that is very powerful.  It not only increases the Universe’s work on our behalf, but it also increases our belief that this will come to fruition.

The Power of Love for Manifestation

Manifesting works through love. It is the strongest force in the universe.  When you allow yourself to be brought into the presence of love and then practice manifesting, your manifestation becomes so powerful. 

Love always holds the highest possibilities for your life.  When you are aligned with love, you are in alignment with love’s highest intentions for the world and for you individually. 

The most powerful ways to align with the power of love:

Practice Gratitude

Try to make this a daily practice, not just for manifesting, but for your overall well being and happiness.  Ways to practice this is by journaling or a gratitude meditation. You can use this scripting guide to journal both daily gratitude, affirmations, and scripting.


Speak loving affirmations over your life daily.  I am love, I am deeply connected to the power of love.  Love flows within and around me easily.  This will help you to realize your natural connection to love and who you really are.


You can meditate on a subject, such as gratitude to connect you deeper to the feelings of gratitude, but even simple meditation using just breathing and sitting still will connect you deeper to the feelings of love and peace that are naturally already yours.

I can’t speak highly enough about meditation because it magically clears away thoughts of self doubt and other negative talk that keeps you from aligning with the vibration of your desires. It just naturally happens over time with consistent meditation. This is not a quick way to clear blocks, but if done consistently, it is very very powerful.

Blocks to Manifesting

Just as love and intention are powerful and help you to manifest the best for your life, there are things in this world that do the opposite.  It is important to keep your mind, body, and spirit clear of these things to attract the highest possible good.

Negative self talk

You are powerful, you are love, you are worthy.

This is what you should focus on and believe. Because it is yours my friend!

The words you speak have a profound effect on the things that you believe and how you feel, which is in direct relation to what you manifest into your world.  Even if you don’t believe something at that moment, you can speak what you want to be true for your life until you believe it.

This works the same in the opposite manner.  If you are constantly saying “I’m broke”, or “I can’t afford”, then the law of the Universe is that this will be brought into your experience.

However, if you speak, “I always have more than enough of what I need”, “My needs are always met”, then this will be brought into your existence.  Everything in your life should be done with intention.

The words that you speak, when spoken with intention and the realization that you are taking part in creating your life, can be so powerful in creating what you desire, not what you don’t desire.

These affirmations for Love, Money, & Self Confidence will help to get you in the right headspace to begin believing that what you desire, you can and WILL have.

Not asking at all

“You have not because you ask not”

Have you ever heard someone say, “Well whatever is meant to be will be” in a powerless way, or “All I can do is hope for the best”.  These both sound like harmless statements.  And they are if the intention is truly surrendering to God and letting go of what you cannot control, knowing that God is love, and that the highest intention for your life is always love, wellness and abundance.

However, if you are letting go with a feeling of complete helplessness, then it might be time to reevaluate your role in the process of creation.

Again, you are powerful, you are love, and you are worthy of good health, of abundance, of an amazing life, of love, and of peace.  And when you ask, you will be given.

Not taking action

“Faith without works is dead”

Have you asked for what you desire?  Great!  Now, you have to take steps in the direction of what you are asking for with faith that it will happen.

What I have come to discover is that our prayers and asking are brought into fruition while we are busy moving in the direction of what we have asked for.

Yes there is a time to stand still, but when you are praying for something that you want to see happen in your life, preparing yourself to receive it is powerful.

You are telling the Universe that you are ready and expecting a change and expecting results.  And I know from firsthand experience that results are what you will get when you least expect it while you are busy moving in the direction of your dreams!

How to make the Law of Attraction Manifestation Techniques work for you

Be clear about what you want

Clarity is key. When we want a meal at the restaurant, we point to the exact item that we want, we don’t give a vague idea of something that is in the vicinity of what we want. The same must be done when manifesting our desires. We must be clear about what we want. The clearer the better! You know…I know you know…so let it be known my friend!

Practice gratitude for what you have

Manifestation works through love. Gratitude is another form of love because what you are doing is showing love towards something that you appreciate.

You will find that when you get in the practice of showing gratitude for what you already have, feelings of unhappiness and discontentment begin to fall away. 

This leaves room for you to pay attention and put energy towards what you truly desire for the highest good of yourself and others, not because you are reaching for something outside of yourself to make you feel good for the moment.

By showing gratitude for what you have, this puts you in alignment with love, which helps to bring more of what you desire into your experience.  The feelings of love align you with all of the good things that God wants to bring into your experience, but couldn’t before due to misalignment and feelings or thoughts of negativity.

Gratitude helps us to think higher thoughts, which helps us to attract even more positive things to think about and raises our vibration to maintain more feelings of good.  And good stuff brings even more of the good stuff!

Meaning feelings of love beget more feelings of love.  So the better you feel, the better you will feel.

Practicing gratitude is one of the most important things you can do to manifest the things that you desire.

Make this a practice in your life and you will see amazing things happen.

See it as already done

“Believe as though you have already received”

Believe that you have received the thing that you are asking for.  Act as if you already have it in your possession now.

Most people wish for something while continuing to maintain the thoughts and the vibration of where they are.  In order to experience a different level and experience of life, you have to believe that it is possible and see yourself having achieved what you are praying for.

Do you own a beautiful 5 bedroom home with a gorgeous backyard and a porch?  Great! What would you do if you had the money to go and purchase that house right now?

You would be looking diligently for your home, contacting real estate agents, setting appointments to go and see your soon to be home.  Then do that now!

How would you feel laying in your new bed in your new room of your new beautiful 5 bedroom home? Well close your eyes and feel that now.

Take 5 mins a day to close your eyes and see yourself as already there.  Do things in the best of your ability to see yourself as already occupying the space of your desire.  This takes you from the “I wish” mode into the “I have” mode.

Imagine someone else benefiting from your desire

One thing about God, the Universe, Spirit, is that it is ultimately for the good of all.  It is pure love. Love is God’s driving force.

When you include the good of others in your desires and see your vision benefiting others, this kicks your manifestation into high gear.  It is law.

“Love others as yourself”.

When others also benefit from your desires this sends a rippling effect to all who come into contact with what you bring into manifestation.

5 Powerful Law of Attraction Manifestation Techniques

Law of Attraction Manifestation techniques are important because they help us to be intentional when creating our lives.

I truly believe that we can all influence the outcome of our lives, and in order to have a life lived on fire with tons of passion and purpose, intention is absolutely imperative.  Otherwise, you fall into complacency and your innermost desires and purpose goes unfulfilled.

Below are some of the greatest techniques to manifesting based off of what you desire to have the most at a specific time in your life.

It is best to do each of these for 21 days to impress these desires and the fulfillment of them onto your subconscious mind and build up the energy you are putting towards believing that it is already done.

Commit to these techniques and you will see what you desire manifest quickly:

  1. Magic box

I learned this manifestation technique from “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks.  This is how I prayed for the traits I wanted my future husband to have.

I wrote down on a sheet of paper everything I wanted him to possess, folded it up and put it into my magic box.  Not long after, when I was ready for him, he came into my world and now we are married! So believe me this works.


Get a box with a lid and decorate the outside of it as much or as little as you’d like.  I like to write My Magic Box on the outside of it and right below “whatever is contained in this box…IS”.  Meaning that it exists now.

Then add anything that you would like to experience into your magic box.

You can add pictures, words, a paragraph that you have written explaining in detail what you want to have.  Anything.  This is your magical creation box.

Once it is in this box, the Universe will begin to work to bring it into your experience.

Feel free to remove from this box the things that you no longer desire and add to it as you find more things that you desire to experience.

Open and review what you have added to your magic box for 5 mins a day.

Get excited about what you will soon experience.

  1. Vision Video

Most people know about a vision board, but not many people create vision videos.

It’s pretty much the same as a vision board, but I consider a vision board to be more effective because it incorporates things that can tingle all of your senses, not only the sense of sight.

With a digital vision board, primarily vision videos, you can add pictures, videos, affirmations, and music.  You can basically create a mini movie that is like watching a clip of your future.


First get clear about what you want and gather all of the pictures and affirmations just like you would do for a vision board, except for the video your pictures will of course be digital.

Decide on the tool that you will use for your video. This can be done using video creation software or online.

The best I have found online is a tool called “Mind Movies”.  It is an online vision video creation tool made solely for the purpose of adding in elements that stimulate multiple senses and feelings to bring your vision to fruition.

I absolutely love this tool.  It uses pictures, videos, subliminal messages, affirmations, and a few other elements to work together to help you not only visualize your ideal future but feel the feelings of already being there.

I’m a big believer in subliminal messages because they bypass the conscious mind  that may be telling you it’s not possible to have what you desire.  All of these tools combined make this a must have for

Related: Best Online Vision Board Makers of 2020, Top Picks

  1. Act as if

I read about this a long time ago and can’t really remember the source, but I knew I instantly loved it.

This technique requires another person, so I recommend getting with a person you trust with your desires who will uplift you in your faith and go along with the game.


Talk with someone about your desire having casual conversation as though it has already happened in your life.

Be as detailed as possible.  What do you see, what do you smell, what is happening around you right now?  Who are the new people that you have met as a result of your dream now coming to life?

Having this conversation is so invigorating and is such a wonderful way to feel as though you are living your dream right now.


“Hey Tracy!  We moved into our house this past weekend and omg I absolutely love it!  We are grilling in our backyard this weekend, and since it overlooks a lake, we may take some of the family out on the boat so bring sunscreen.

Also, we have more than enough bedrooms to hold the family so bring some overnight clothes in case you want to stay the night after the housewarming.  My kitchen? Oh it is the kitchen I have been dreaming of for so long.

It’s really amazing that I got everything I asked for.  Travertine floors, marble counter tops, soft close cabinets, 2 stoves, to islands to seat all of the family.  And the kids love their bonus room.  It is large enough to hold them and all of their friends.

It even has a second kitchen so they can have plenty of snacks without running up and down the steps.  My husband and I have an absolute oasis for our bedroom and master bath!  I always feel like I’m on a romantic getaway or at the spa.

Also, the porch is heaven.  I sit out there in the mornings and have my cup of tea and read my daily devotional. I really couldn’t have dreamed of something better!

  1. Scripting

Scripting is similar to Act As If, but instead of speaking about it to a friend, you simply write it down as if it has already been accomplished.

This is ideal for everyday and is not dependent upon someone else being available.  Scripting can be done for a particular dream or just an overall vision for your life.

I like to be specific and tuned in to one goal when scripting because I am able to focus my energy and think of so much to visualize and write about for that specific goal.

Before I know it, I have multiple pages about my goal and have gotten lost in imagining myself already there.

 Suggested Tool: You can use this free scripting template for your journaling guide.



 Get a this scripting guide or a notebook, preferably one dedicated specifically to scripting or manifestation.  Write your goal at the top of the page as though it were already accomplished using words in present tense “I have”, “I am”.

Close your eyes saying this statement over and over to yourself and begin imagining yourself having already accomplished that goal.  Now open your eyes and write about your goal as though it was already accomplished.

Be as detailed as possible.  How do you feel? What do you see?  What is happening around you? Who is benefiting from you accomplishing your goal?

Take a look at this article to see more things to include when scripting to take manifesting to a whole new level.

  1. The Napkin Exercise

This is another Law of Attraction manifestation technique that I found from reading “Ask and It is Given”.

Using this technique you show acknowledgement, that you realize that there are things outside of your control, but you also take responsibility for those things that are within your control.

I am an actress, and I actually manifested a role on a primetime tv show using this technique.


Take a sheet of paper and write your goal as though it were already accomplished at the top.  Then draw a line down the center of the paper.

On one side write, “What I am going to do”, on the other side write “What I want God to do”.

Now write just that.

Write everything that you are committed to doing on the left hand side of the sheet and everything that you want God to on the right hand of the sheet.  And it is that simple.

All of these Law of Attraction manifestation techniques work extremely well, all you have to do is commit to them, which I know you can! Choose an exercise above and commit to doing or viewing it for 21 days.

Check out The Ultimate Manifestation Planner & Journal with 40 pages packed with exercises and planning tools for manifesting your best life!


Leave a comment below and let me know your favorite manifestation exercise for manifesting your desires!