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Making an online vision board is probably one of the wisest decisions you will ever make.  I say this because a creating a  vision board alone is a game and life changer, but making one that is online is even smarter because you are allowing yourself to have your vision at your fingertips at all times.

One downfall of a lot of people is that after they make their vision board it ends up in a closet, buried under clothes, forgotten about in some lonely room instead of focused on and seen daily.

This is how a vision board is imprinted on your subconscious mind, by making sure it is before your face on a regular basis.  You can feel the feeling of what it is like to accomplish this vision on a regular basis.

That’s where creating an online vision board comes in.

What is a vision board

So before we dive in, let’s talk about what a vision board is and how to make an effective vision board.

A vision board is what you desire for your life laid out in pictures and words.  It is typically put on a poster board and put up on a wall where you can see it daily.  These pictures and words can be about anything you want, a relationship, a house, a career, your spiritual life, travel, your contribution and so much more.  Whatever you choose is good.

However, I do recommend limiting your focus to only a few key areas so that you can truly be honed in on what it feels like to have those things, and so that your brain doesn’t get too overwhelmed trying to imagine so many things, that it can’t hold one focused thought about what it is you truly want.

On a vision board you can choose to focus 10 years out, 5 years out, 1 year out, or no time constraint whatsoever, which is usually how I like to do it because you take the limits off of The Universe and allow the Creator to work magic.

I say magic, but what it truly is is the law of the Universe.  Just like gravity is a law, so is the law of attraction, which states that you attract what you focus on.  Having a vision board allows you to focus on the things that you want to bring to past in your life, instead of focusing on the negative.

Write the vision, make it plain, keep it before your eyes.

I have come to realize that we are responsible for the “input”, which is what we do and put out into the world. However, the output is more fluid based on what we have input.

If we input good things, those things will return to us, and vice versa.

We are responsible for the planting of the seed, but the laws of nature were put in place to naturally grow the fruit of the seed that was planted.  A vision board is just that, a seed.

By being intentional about your life, you are planting good seeds of the things that you desire, now all that’s let to do is water it with belief and a relaxation knowing that it will come at the exact time that you need it.

This vision journal will prep you for creating your vision board for every area of your life, and has all the tools you need for manifesting your reality into your life like, eliminating limiting beliefs, morning and night routines, gratitude, detailed vision planner for every area of life and a lot more!

How to make an effective vision board

Many people create their vision boards many different ways, which is awesome, do what makes you feel good.  However, there are ways to make your vision board more effective, by creating in line with how the law of attraction and faith work.

There are a few statements that hold true as it relates to manifestation.  Believe that you have already received, feeling is a strong way to manifest, the power of life and death are in the tongue, love is the true avenue to manifestation.

With these statements in mind, applying the points mentioned below will make for an amazing manifesting vision board that truly works:

1. Choose exactly what you want to go on your vision board and get very clear about what you want.

What are your dreams of today, not yesterday, not 5 years ago, but today.  What is it that you want to focus on in this season of your life?

It is important to really sit down and contemplate these things because specificity is so important when creating your vision board.  If you don’t know what you want then your “Ask” will be convoluted and cloudy and so will the results that you receive.

“Write the vision and make it plain”.

Plain meaning clear, clear meaning ‘easy to perceive, understand, and interpret’.  When you give someone plans to build you a house, you won’t say “oh just go and build me something nice”.  Instead you are going to be very specific.  “Build me a bathroom with quartz countertops, a standing shower with marble walls and two shower heads on opposite sides of the shower, with a bench against the left wall”.

That is very specific right?

Yes! and you can get this specific with the Creator of the Universe, who might I mention is also very specific.

Nature works under such specificity that we can calculate the exact time that it takes to arrive at the moon.  We know the exact day that each season begins, and the exact time that the sun will set.

We know milestones of babies and what they will achieve from month to month, and there are millions of babies being born that all fall within these milestones that have been studied according to their nature.

Not to mention that there are no 2 people on this planet that look exactly alike outside of identical twins and there are billions of people that have walked this earth.

This shows you that we have such a specific Creator, and that you too can be specific in your requests.

Suggested Tool: The Ultimate Manifestation Planner & Journal

2. Make a vision board that gives you the most amazing feelings of already having achieved the things that you desire.

The law states that feeling is the most important thing that there is.  If you can feel good by looking at your vision board and imagining yourself there, you are aligning to attract all things that make you feel good, which includes the vision that you are desiring.

Overall your vision board needs to make you feel really good.  Everything that goes into it must be elements that come together to make you feel amazing, like you have already received.

So add pictures, video, music, that gives you this feeling.  You know how it is when you watch a movie that combines all of those elements designed to give you a specific feeling.  This is how you can and should make your online vision board.

Related: 5 Things You Must Have in Your Vision Journal

3. See yourself in the place that you desire

This adds to creating the feeling of already being there, but it ups it a notch because it allows you to see yourself in those shoes.

So if it’s a new car that you want, maybe test drive that car and get a picture of yourself in the car.  Tour the house and get a picture standing in the house or one similar to the one that you want.  Maybe drive by and take a picture of it or take a picture in front of it if you aren’t able to get on the inside and take a tour.

If you want to be joyful and full of peace, find a picture of yourself when you were feeling how you desire to feel, and if that doesn’t exist, then find pictures of the things that make you feel peaceful and a picture of yourself smiling.

4. Add affirmations that you can also speak out loud

“There is life and death in the power of the tongue”.  That is no small statement.  There is “life” and there is “death” in the words that we say.

We can speak life into a situation and now it exists because of the words we have said, and vice versa.

By adding affirmations to your board, you are doing a few things: imprinting these thoughts on your subconscious mind and creating a belief in those statements.

The things that you put in front of your eyes are like recorded images for your brain to play back over and over again in your mind.  This is an amazing benefit of just seeing your affirmations.

Also, by having these affirmations in front of you daily, you can then speak the words out loud every time you see them.  Yes yes my friend it might feel very weird at first, but then it will become second nature and a part of your being and belief system.  You are now aligning your words, your thoughts, and your beliefs.

Related: 27 Powerful Affirmations for Money Manifestation

Related: 50 Positive I AM Affirmations for Women


5. BONUS: Add subliminal affirmations

Ok so this is huge and can only be done with an online vision video, which I will touch more on later.  If you don’t know much about subliminal recordings, or haven’t studied much about the subconscious mind, this is really a topic you should read about.

But to sum it up, the conscious mind only controls maaaaaybe 5% of what we do, the rest of what we do is pretty much on autopilot through the programming of our subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is where our beliefs are, our past memories, and our habits good and bad.  So if you can tap into and change the subconscious mind, you can change your life.

Ways to do this include hypnotic suggestion, which is allowing yourself to go under a form of hypnosis, and then receiving suggestions from the “hypnotizer”.

Another way to do this is using subliminal affirmations.  These are affirmations that bypass the conscious mind, or are not heard by the conscious ear, but make their way into the subconscious mind.  This is one of the quickest ways to change the thoughts and beliefs you think because your conscious mind is not there to battle the words that are being said.

For example, you might have an affirmation stating something that is not true at this moment.  Well when you speak this affirmation out loud, your conscious mind might have some things to say letting you know that no this isn’t true, you haven’t achieved this yet, etc.

However, when subliminals are being heard, then you won’t consciously hear them, but they are being spoken as suggestions, and are therefore unable to be spoken against by your conscious thoughts.

This allows them to go straight into your subconscious mind, which is an amazing thing when they are suggestions that benefit your life.

6. BONUS: Add music

Music moves us like nothing else.  Watch a love story with no music, and you may only feel an ounce of the love you felt when the music was present.

Music is designed to make us feel. From the commercials intended to make you reach into your pocket to give to hungry children, to the inspirational commercial with a man climbing a mountain.  This gives you a glimpse into what music can do for your vision board.  Literally change the game.

When I started making my vision board online and adding music to it, it felt so different from just looking at photos.  My vision was brought to life, which again leads us back to our point that vision boards most of all should give you the feelings of love, appreciation, and the feeling of having already arrived.

Music does that and more.  I would always leave feeling so inspired.

7. Make viewing your vision board a daily habit when you wake up in the morning and right before you go to sleep at night.

This is when your subconscious mind is the most malleable.  This is because you are still in theta brain wave state when you wake up in the morning after sleep.  Your mind is relaxed and hasn’t gotten in full gear yet to begin thinking all of your habitual thoughts in the mornings.

This is the perfect time to offer your mind suggestions and imprint it with the things that you desire for your life.

The same applies for the time right before you go to sleep.  You enter the same calm theta brain wave sleep pattern right before you hit the sack to prepare you for sleep.

This is also a perfect time to look at your vision video or vision board and imprint your subconscious with these thoughts and beliefs that you have already achieved what you desire.

Creating the vision video/board was the seed that you planted, but looking at it daily and feeling the feelings of already living your desire for just 5 mins in the morning and at night is the water that will help your seed/vision to flourish into all that you desire.

8. Start making plans!

What would you do if you had already achieved the thing that you were desiring?  Then start doing those things!

For example, if you wanted to own a home, and you already had the funds to do so, you would talking to real estate agents, looking at homes, touring places, and planning your move.  You might even go furniture shopping to start planning how each room in the house is going to look.

The same for anything else that you desire.  Start doing the things that you would do, if you already had that thing.

Now, don’t get me confused… this doesn’t mean that you should go out and start spending money that you don’t have, but you can definitely take tours of homes and shop without signing on the dotted line, you can test drive the car and imagine that you were heading in to work.  You can go and pick out a nice gift for the partner that you desire that’s back home waiting to be surprised.

Let’s say you are believing for a baby, you can start planning the nursery and looking in baby stores imagining that the little one is home waiting to try on their new outfits.

The goal is to get excited!  Do the things that are going to make you feel like everything is happening right now.  You want to feel those feelings of being there now in this moment.

What not to add to your vision board

Things that you don’t truly desire

This includes someone else’s dream that you don’t really want, but looks good because they are getting popular  from it.

Remember that your vision is your vision and you have a desire for it for a reason, so don’t sell yourself short by trying to walk in someone else’s shoes.  You want to attract the things that are meant for you because that is where your ultimate joy lies.

This also includes the dreams that you may have had once but are no longer what you really want for your life.  This is so that you can make room on your vision board and in your mind to truly focus on creating those things that you really want and that are meant for you at this point in your life, not five or ten years ago.

It is ok for dreams to change.  And remember our goal is to feel so good when we look at our vision board.  Will the things that really aren’t you give you those feelings?

Vague, unspecific dreams

The Universe speaks in the language of specificity.  Vague dreams produce vague results. Know exactly what it is that you would like on your vision board and be specific in the things that you add to it.

Terms like ‘Not’, ‘Don’t’

When you write your affirmations, you want to write them in the positive or what is also called the “affirmative”.  What is it that you are affirming over your life?

For example, if you want to make more money, don’t make statements like “I no longer have to struggle to pay my bills”.  When you read this statement all you are thinking about is struggling to pay your bills.  Instead say something like, “I have plenty of money to pay all of my bills with excess left over” or “It feels good to have all of the money I need to do everything I need and want to do”.

That’s kind of wordy, but you get my drift.  Say the things that you want to exist in your world, not the things that you don’t.

Lots and lots of dreams

Now I go back and forth with this because it’s good to put your vision out there, however, if you have a desire to bring something to fruition quickly, then focus is very important.  It’s not the best decision to go from dream to dream to dream when all of your energy can be focused on something specific.

Think about a magnifying glass.  When you focus the light through it onto one single spot of a sheet of paper, then you can literally burn a whole into that spot.  That is the power of focus, burning holes HAHA, but no really, burning through your desires and manifesting with laser focus.

The gist is that only things that you truly want should go on your vision board.  And those are the dreams that you have thought through that are very specific. This will keep you focused on manifesting all that God has for you.

Top Vision Board Makers

Mind Movies

This is my absolute favorite favorite vision board maker.

It is the best online vision board because it incorporates all that I mentioned above that makes for a  vision board that really works.

It arranges all of the elements into a movie that creates an amazing emotional experience and puts you in a place of feeling like you already have everything that you desire.  This is a lot better than any of the stationery picture vision boards that I have created, and believe me I have created plenty.

You can add pictures, videos, music, subliminal audio, and affirmations all in one place.  It is beyond powerful.  This tool was created by a woman who has been teaching the Law of Attraction for over 10 years and really understands how to apply it to make it work so powerfully for you.


Canva is a free online tool that you can use to build a grid and then add your pictures. This tool will primarily give you the ability to add written affirmations and pictures to your board. You won’t have the ability to add video or music, but this is great if you just want to have an online vision board that you can view that is very similar to a physical vision board.

The great thing about this is that you can set it as your desktop or mobile background and carry it around with you to view anytime.  See below on how to create this board in Canva:

Step 1: Decide what goals you want to focus on for your vision board

Step 2: Choose the pictures that you want to add to your board and save them to a specific folder.  I like to create a folder entitled “vision” on my computer so that if I happen to lose my vision board somehow, I will still be able to look back in the folder at the pictures that I put on my board for my vision and create one anew.

Step 3: Open Canva and choose “Create a Design”

Step 4: Choose Photo Collage from the dropdown

Step 5: Select the “Elements” tab on left

Step 6: Choose a grid that fits how you want your vision board to look

Step 7: Head to the Upload tab and upload the pictures that you added to your vision folder on your computer

Step 8: Now drag and drop the pictures that you want to add to the grid.  They will automatically populate in the grid as you drag and drop them.  You can also select other pictures from the Photos tab to add. Some of these photos are free and others may cost a little bit of money.

Step 9: Add text using the “Text” tab

Step 10: After all of your pictures and words have been added to your grid, save the collage using the Download button from the top right hand corner of the screen.  You can then save it as your desktop background or send it to yourself and save it as your mobile desktop background, or just keep as a photo in your album to look at daily.

I will be doing a more in depth video tutorial on how to do this and more in Canva so stay tuned!

These are my two favorites to use to make an online vision board and in my opinion the best options out there and all that you need.

And remember, your dreams are possible, and putting your vision out there makes them truly probable.  By doing that you are not only working for you, but the Universe is too.

So create your vision board, do your daily visioning exercise, and you will be living your dreams much sooner than you had ever imagined.  Prepare for miracles!

I hope that this was helpful to you. Stay tuned for more on vision boarding and living your best life.  Until next time happy creating!

Check out my guide,  The Ultimate Manifestation Planner & Journal with 40 pages packed with exercises and planning tools for manifesting your best life!