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Yay! It’s Monday again…. yea right. I wish that was the attitude that we could all have at the start of a week. But usually it goes something like this…. “Uh it’s Monday again. I can’t wait until Friday get’s here.”

However, believe it or not, it doesn’t have to be like that!

Monday affirmations are an amazing way to create your week on purpose and get your mind in the space where you are looking forward to your week instead of dreading it.

Use these positive and empowering Monday affirmations to start and end your week with joy.

Why you need positive Monday affirmations

I assume if you clicked on this article that you know why you need Monday affirmations and you have your own reasons why you want to feel empowered at the beginning of the week.

Let me give you my perspective about why Monday affirmations are so friggin amazing.

Most people begin the work week on a Monday. Because of this we have associated Mondays with a day of dread saying, welp! here goes another week of doing something that I don’t love to do, which means I have to put my joy and happiness on pause until the weekend.

So often we give our power away to things outside of our control and allow it to control our mood, our time, and our beliefs.

Why oh why are you giving so much of your power away to a day. A day?!?

You are so much more powerful than that.

So I want you to begin using your power to actually take your control back and make Mondays work for you instead of against you.

A different perspective on Mondays

Let me give you a different perspective on Mondays.

What if Monday was…

  • A day that invigorated and excited you because you get to see yet another week on this earth.
  • A fresh opportunity to start life on your terms, thinking the way you want to think.
  • A clean slate where you let the things of the past go and choose to make today a new day.
  • The start of a week where you are going to try that new thing that you’ve always wanted to do.
  • The beginning of a week where some unexpected but exciting event is going to happen.
  • The beginning of you choosing to make every week from here on out better than the last.
  • The beginning of the week where you choose to step out, or at least begin to take small, consistent steps towards living the amazing life that you truly desire to have.

You can have one or all of these perspectives every. single. Monday. or every single day for that matter, by focusing on the good.

I encourage you to print these affirmations and speak them every morning, and at the least every Monday morning before you begin your day.

If done daily, they will truly change your perspective and help you to take control of your Mondays, instead of flowing on autopilot. You can do this!

What is the best time for affirmations

The best time is to do affirmations at the top of the morning as soon as you get out of bed, or really even before.

This prevents your thoughts from immediately going on autopilot in the morning, as we know thoughts do over, and over and over again.

Doing these Monday affirmations in the morning will pop you out of the Monday upside down feeling and way of thinking and immediately help you to feel excited about your mornings and the rest of your week.

Morning affirmations help the rest of your day to flow smoothly as well.

When you begin on a positive note, it’s much harder to have a bad day because you have already laid the foundation for a great day by beginning with thoughts that serve and uplift you.

Do you have to say affirmations out loud

No you don’t. You can choose to write your affirmations down over and over again, and just by this act of writing them down, these affirmations are being written on your subconscious.

When you write, your brain is also reading the words that are being written. It’s impossible not to.

However, I love how speaking affirmations aloud make me feel. When I speak my affirmations aloud, I feel more empowered.

I feel like I am being intentional about my life and like I really mean what I’m saying.

It’s something about hearing the words that come out of your mouth. It’s like you are speaking the affirmation while receiving it at the same time.

Try both journaling the affirmations below that speak to you the most, and speaking them aloud to see what works the best for you

Other ways to have an empowered week

Monday affirmations are a powerful way to start your week off on the right foot. There are also other things you can do in addition to the Monday affirmations to set yourself up for an amazing week.

Script your ideal week

Scripting is just another way of saying write a story. However, in scripting the story is what you want to be true about your future, written as though it has already happened.

This helps you to see your ideal week before it actually happens. It also helps you to speak (or write) your reality into your life.

Scripting helps you to know your vision and stay focused on it throughout the week and to steer clear of the things that don’t contribute to your amazing week.

To do this exercise, take a sheet of paper and write at the top, “Thank you for my amazing week!” Then begin to write all the awesome things that happened to you in the upcoming week.

It can be as long or as short as you would like, but get excited about it!

Plan your week

Sometimes thinking about everything that has to be done for the week can get overwhelming when you don’t think about it in bite sized pieces.

Planning my week on a Sunday always works wonders for me. I feel so much more productive throughout the week because I know exactly what I plan to do each day without having to try to figure it out as each day comes along.

This can help you to feel more in control of your week and more accomplished at the end of the week.

Listen to uplifting podcasts and videos

Make a list of podcasts and videos that uplift you and make you feel joyful. Listen to those at the beginning of the morning on Mondays.

This can help to start your day out on an awesome note.

Filling your mind with empowering messages everyday can really transform where your mind flows regularly.

You will find your thoughts focusing more on the positive things that you are listening to as opposed to negative thoughts that run on autopilot when you aren’t listening to uplifting messages and talks.

Now that we have given you all the reasons you can begin your week on a positive note, here are the amazing positive Monday affirmations.

Take these and speak them everyday, not only on Mondays, for an uplifting, joyful week.

37 Positive Monday Morning Affirmations

  1. I take control of my Mondays and use them to catapult me into an amazing week
  2. I am grateful to see another beautiful day and week. I will rejoice and be glad!
  3. I choose to see the good in every moment today
  4. I breathe in joy, I breathe out stress
  5. Today and all week, I focus on what makes me feel good
  6. There is positive all around me
  7. Today is a new day
  8. This week is the start of something new
  9. This week is a blessing and a gift
  10. My life gets better with each new week
  11. This week I am taking massive actions towards my goals
  12. The people that surround me are for me
  13. I wake up daily ready for the amazing possibilities that await me
  14. I have unlimited potential
  15. I use my good to make a difference in someone’s life today
  16. I am abundant in talent and abilities that continue to lift me to new heights in my life
  17. I am attracting abundance to me
  18. I am open to all of the good that surrounds me
  19. I forgive my past and move forward into a bright future
  20. I control my thoughts
  21. I am not my thoughts and I can change the thoughts that I think
  22. My thoughts are uplifting and focused on the good
  23. I am so thankful for all that I have
  24. My ideal life is moving towards me rapidly
  25. All of my dreams will become my reality
  26. I am worthy of all that I desire
  27. I am confident
  28. I am loved
  29. I believe that the best is yet to come in my life
  30. I trust the journey
  31. I am a powerful co-creator of my life
  32. I have the freedom to create an amazing life for myself
  33. My ability to conquer my challenges are limitless
  34. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
  35. I create positive and uplifting habits that empower me
  36. Mondays are the best day of the week
  37. This week I will bring joy to all of those around me