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Whether we know it or not, we all have a thoughts and beliefs engrained in us around money. These powerful affirmations for money manifestation will help you to tear down the negative thoughts about money and start forming new healthy belief patterns around money to manifest exactly what you deserve to have.

How Limiting Thoughts Were Formed About Money Manifestation

Now I’m sure most of us have all heard limiting beliefs around money growing up, and a lot of these beliefs came from our childhood and what we were taught about money as a small child. We saw the way that our parents dealt with money, how they talked about money, and the things that we were allowed to have or not have based on the financial situation of the household.

For example, I was raised and taught to always look for a deal or the least expensive option. The expensive things just weren’t on our list of things that we would be buying or even considered to be a possibility, even though we had the money.

We bought our house decor from Wal-Mart, and used tires from the mom and pop shop down the street that were sure to need replacing in about 6 months.

Now I get deal shopping, and trust, there is nothing wrong with shopping for a deal, especially if that is your current financial situation. However, I have realized in my adult years, that this should not come from a place of scarcity or feeling like there isn’t enough.

I realized that I carried this mindset over into adulthood when my boyfriend at the time (now my husband) bought me some Teavana tea and a Michael Kors jacket for Christmas. I was blown away!

This is because I thought Teavana was way too much to pay for tea, even though I had always longed to own my very own Teavana tea but never inquired about the price.

And a Michael Kors Jacket…from the Michael Kors store?! Now we are really just taking it too far. Right?

Wrong. Those things didn’t break the bank for him by any means. He still had savings and investments, and didn’t spend his last dime trying to impress me. He had an abundance mindset. He thought it was so simple. I loved tea so why not get me the best. I needed a jacket so why not get me the best.


Now I know this seems so small, but something like this woke me up.

For 7 years I had been out of college, worked a job making almost 6 figures, traveled the world with no bills, room, board, and travel paid, yet I was still a penny pincher, buying used tires that I was afraid to drive on in the rain.

Now I’m definitely not telling you to go out and live paycheck to paycheck, buying things that don’t make sense to your budget, but I am telling you that in order to move past where you currently stand financially, you first have to develop an abundance mindset AND see this being possible for yourself. That is where these powerful money manifestation affirmations come in.

How to Develop an Abundance Mindset Around Money Manifestation

1. Identify your negative beliefs about money so that you can speak life into those thoughts.

An abundance mindset begins with the way you view yourself and money. Do you see yourself as deserving? Do you think you are enough to have abundance? Do you think you are the type of person that would be financially wealthy? Were you taught that money is evil?

It would be a little difficult to have a negative outlook on wealthy people and still be able to see yourself as a wealthy person. Is that really who you want to be if you view them in a negative light?

The truth is money doesn’t make you good or bad. Money just magnifies your values. If you were a giver before you were rich, whether it was a little or a lot, you will be a giver after.

If you were selfish prior to getting money, you will also be selfish after because selfishness comes from a scarcity mindset. Thinking that there is not enough to go around. That is why there are giving rich people and greedy rich people. One has a mindset of abundance, the other a mindset of scarcity.

If this is something you struggle with, find someone with money who you think is a good person and focus on them. Your favorite artist, an inspirational public figure, an athlete.

Where you focus your attention is what grows your belief. By focusing on those that are good who are where you want to be, it will restore your faith that good people can also be wealthy.

2. Speak affirmations that will create an abundance mindset about money and your deservingness of it

Whether you realize it or not, we have all had affirmations spoken around us about money. Affirmations can be positive or negative, but they create our view of the world.

Have you ever heard “Money doesn’t grow on trees”? The underlying thought behind this is that money isn’t easy to come by.

This might have been spoken in your household, which then can carry over into adulthood.

Now that you can be intentional about the way you view money and yourself, you must speak what you want to be true for your life, even if it doesn’t feel true to begin with.

Affirmations to speak could be “Money comes to me easily”, “I am a money magnet”, “It is easy for me to make and keep money”.

Not only is it important to change the way you view money but you must also change the way that you view yourself as it relates to money.

In America, we have this thing where we hold people with money in a very high regard. There’s this almost untouchable vibe that we give them. Why is this? Those with money are no better than those without. They just have an abundance mindset or have been taught that money comes easily and that they deserve to have it.

This is the main reason why the rich get richer and the poor remain poor.

You get what you think you deserve. If you think you are truly deserving and should belong in the financially abundant population, you will find your way there. If you subconsciously do not think that you belong, it will be a longer road for you.

Speaking affirmations like “I deserve to be wealthy”, “I provide great value to the world and am rewarded with great financial abundance”, “I am worthy of financial abundance”, “I am worthy of great wealth”, “I see myself making a lot of money (or add specific number here)”, “I give myself permission to be financially prosperous”, “I can afford anything that I desire and still have an abundance of money left”, “I am enough for everything I desire”

3. Read Books that give you an abundance mindset for money manifestation

So I absolutely love reading books. I must admit, it’s has been challenging for me to finish them, but I notice a huge change in my mindset after reading certain types of books.

I don’t know what it is about reading, but I believe it is the planting of seeds within your mind about a certain subject, and then those little seeds or nuggets of wisdom begin to grow and form the foundation for your new beliefs when consistently done.

So with that said, reading is super important and helpful for developing new thoughts around financial abundance. Some of my favorite books around this subject are below, and are all you need to develop a powerful mindset about money:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

4. Create a habit around speaking your money affirmations and focus on them only for 21 days or more

I believe that the most effective way to engrain a habit or affirmation in the mind is to focus on creating new thoughts about 1 subject at a time. This allows you to be laser focused and, therefore, very effective in creating change.

To build a habit takes at least 21 days and can take more, so I suggest reading your affirmations every day for the next 21 days minimum. Take some of the affirmations below and put them where you can see them.

Take 5 minutes a day and speak these affirmations out loud with feeling.

I prefer to speak affirmations in the morning because it really sets the course for my day and puts me in a positive place mentally. Whenever I start my day with affirmations that give me life, the rest of my day goes great.

Speaking them at night is also great because you are putting yourself in a positive mental space and telling your mind what to focus on while you sleep.

Have you ever watched a scary movie, or a movie filled with killing and drama then went to sleep only to dream about something scary or violent? Well the same works the opposite way. When you focus on the good before sleep that will feed into the dream world and even build positive thoughts and connections in your mind.

This is one main reason why I believe it is so important to be careful of the things you listen to and watch, because becomes a part of your mind and spirit…but that’s another story for another day 🙂

Related: 5 Powerful Law of Attraction Manifestation Techniques That Work

In the meantime, take these affirmations below and follow the steps above to fill your mind with thoughts of abundance, and before you know it, money will be drawn to you like bees to honey, or babies to milk, or I can’t think of anything else, but you get the jist LOL…Enjoy and Happy affirming!

27 Positive and Powerful Money Affirmations

  1. I was created to be wealthy
  2. The more money I make, the more of a difference I can make in the world
  3. Good people deserve to be wealthy
  4. All of my bills are paid with plenty of money left for everything I desire
  5. It feels great to have an abundance of money
  6. People are always giving me money
  7. Money is easy to come by
  8. Money is constantly flowing into my life
  9. There is  more than enough money to go around
  10. I am aligned with the energy of money
  11. God consistently provides me with an abundance of money
  12. When I give money, I receive an abundance of money
  13. I have an abundance mindset
  14. I think positively about money
  15. I have multiple sources of income
  16. My financial goals have all been achieved
  17. I am debt free
  18. I can easily afford anything I desire
  19. I feel wealthy and financially abundant
  20. I am a multi-millionaire
  21. I have a large sum of money in my investment accounts
  22. It is safe to be wealthy
  23. Money is drawn to me
  24. I make money easily and effortlessly
  25. I receive unexpected money often
  26. I provide great value to the world and am rewarded with an abundance of money
  27. I deserve to be wealthy

Take these money affirmations and begin applying them to your life now and both you and your bank account will skyrocket! Believe that these affirmations work because they do. Speak them aloud with feeling consistently on a daily basis.


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